Comparing More’s Utopia and Redfield’s The Celestine Prophecy
Throughout history many visionaries had glimpsed a world of new human culture, yet no way to create such a world had been achieved. Communism had become a tragedy. Sir Thomas More, author of Utopia, and James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, share many of the same ideas describing a new way of life. Written in 1516, More’s Utopia speaks about visions of a humanistic way of life. Redfield’s The Celestine Prophecy, written almost five centuries later in 1993, reinforces the ideas of the Renaissance. Can this spiritual common sense become the model of the next century?
Utopia achieves great universality by evincing great understanding and sympathy with all men (Surtz, vii). It presents the hope for far better things, sustained by the view that man may shape and mold himself in any chosen form, (viii) thus creating the best earthly state possible. Redfield’s text focuses on nine insights to a spiritual transformation. When all nine insights are understood, an exciting new image of human life, and a positive vision of how we can save this planet, it’s creatures and it’s beauty will be attained (Redfield). According to Redfield, upon reaching the new millennium, human culture will shift as we move toward a completely spiritual culture on earth. In order to understand where we are today, we must take ourselves back to the year 1000 and move through the millennium as we lived through it. Imagine yourself being alive in the year 1000, the Middle Ages. The first thing you must understand is that the reality of this time is being defined by the powerful churchmen of the Christian church (22). Because of their position, these men hold great influence over t...
... middle of paper ... sound as though humans are in control. It is up to us to decide whether or not this is true. The process through which accepting teachings and winning salvation is shown throughout both texts. They show the exact process of becoming more spiritual and connected. We have always characterized this connection as something abstract- something an individual must do to avoid something bad happening. Whenever we doubt our own path, or lose sight of the process, we must remember that we are evolving toward, what the process of living is all about (Redfield 243). Reaching Heaven on Earth is why we are here. Now we know how it can be done.
Works Cited
More, Sir Thomas. Utopia: A New Translation, Backgrounds, Criticism. Ed. and trans. Robert M. Adams. Toronto: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1988.
Redfield, James. The Celestine Prophecy. NY: Warner Books Inc., 1993.
What would happen if an utopia wasn’t all that perfect on the inside? Judging by just the appearance of something may lead to a situation of regret and confusion.” The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Ursula K. Le Guin and “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson address the theme of religious and traditional symbolism.” The Lottery” demonstrates how something that seems so perfect on the outside isn’t all that great on the inside.
Transgendered prostitutes incorporate female attributes to their image because they feel feminine not because they want to become a woman. Transgendered prostitutes in Brazil identify as female because “…females and males who enjoy being penetrated belong to the same classificatory category” (Kulick 1997). This means that the travesties are not women but share the gender with them. In Brazil, it appears that gender is categories as men and not-men. This is different from the United States since they suggest that “individuals constitute a third, or intermediate, gender…” (Kulick 1997). Sexuality is also shaped by the relations to power. However, in Mexico, both sexuality and gender are both based on religious power. Both women that were interviewed in the article lived in a home where Catholicism was practiced and had to conform to its expectations. Catholics believe that women have to guard their virginity until marriage and degrade homosexuality. The women from the article had to deal with these views and hiding their sexuality from people around them. They had to illustrate a traditional expectation
Sleep disorders are a very serious problem for a lot of people. It affects a lot of people 's lives, requiring them to have to live a very different life than the average person. The five most commonly known sleep disorders are insomnia, sleep apnea, sleepwalking, and narcolepsy. Sleep insomnia is when you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep even when you have a chance to do so. Sleep apnea is when you have trouble breathing when you’re asleep. Sleepwalking is when you’re in a deep sleep and you start to walk around or perform some kind of complex behavior. People that are affected by these disorders have a very hard time either getting to sleep or staying asleep. I will be explaining what all of these disorders are and how they affect
To begin, one type of insomnia is called transient insomnia. This is a type of insomnia that can last anywhere from a couple days to a week transient insomnia doesn’t usually last longer than a week. Transient insomnia can be caused by very traumatic major life events or can also be caused by a more miniscule life events. For example a major life event to cause those type of insomnia is a chronic illness. Smaller life events that can cause insomnia may include immense stress about
Estimates in the U.S. suggest 2 million people get antibiotic-resistance infections each year, and at least 23,000 die because current drugs no longer stop their infections. The WHO cannot provide global statistics, because many countries have no estimates at all.
“Transient insomnia can be caused by temporary situations like arguments, medical illness and jet lag. On the other hand chronic insomnia has many causes. Sleep apnea, over use of caffeine, anxiety disorders, stress and several other factors. The symptoms of insomnia can be noticed right in the morning. When you wake up and are not feeling refreshed from a nights sleep. A person may have difficulty sleeping, toss and turn for hours or fall asleep easily but are awakened very early in the morning. To diagnose a person with insomnia, a patient may keep a record for two weeks of their sleeping patterns, food intake, exercise, etc., and then a physician can base their diagnosis by the reported signs and symptoms. If an insomnia patient does not respond to treatments then they may have a sleeping disorder that requires a specialist” (“Insomnia Encyclopedia“).
"Book 2: Of Their Traveling of the Utopians." Utopia by Thomas More. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. .
Manuel, Frank E. and Fritzie P. Manuel. Utopian Thought in the Western World. Cambridge, MA: Belknap-Harvard Press, 1979.
In the nineteenth century, man believed in the perfectibility of mankind and in the real possibility of an ultimate utopia, a time when man could all live together in peace. However, the events of the twentieth century have weakened that belief. Both cold and hot wars have followed each other in succession. Revolutions and civil wars have taken place and totalitarianism has become a fact that can hardly be ignored. Therefore, the modern age has become a time in which more anti-utopias have been envisioned than ever before.
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder. People who have insomnia have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. As a result, they may get an little amount of sleep or have a poor-quality of sleep. They may not feel refreshed when they wake up. There are four types of Insomnia. One is called Primary Insomnia; Primary Insomnia dictates that a person is having problems sleeping that are not directly correlated with any other health condition or problem. Then there is Secondary Insomnia, Secondary Insomnia indicates that a person is having sleep problems due to something else, such as a preexisting health condition. Acute Insomnia is short-term insomnia with minimum problems. Chronic Insomnia is ongoing and may have more problems. Many different things in everyday life can cause Insomnia. Symptoms can vary to, people may find themselves waking up in the middle of the night, or just can't sleep at all. Treatments may very also, different sufferers may try different treatments to help their problem.
Data mining has emerged as an important method to discover useful information, hidden patterns or rules from different types of datasets. Association rule mining is one of the dominating data mining technologies. Association rule mining is a process for finding associations or relations between data items or attributes in large datasets. Association rule is one of the most popular techniques and an important research issue in the area of data mining and knowledge discovery for many different purposes such as data analysis, decision support, patterns or correlations discovery on different types of datasets. Association rule mining has been proven to be a successful technique for extracting useful information from large datasets. Various algorithms or models were developed many of which have been applied in various application domains that include telecommunication networks, market analysis, risk management, inventory control and many others
According to the National Sleep Foundation, there are five different types of insomnia: Acute, Chronic, Comorbid, Onset, and Maintenance insomnia. Acute Insomnia is a brief period of time where it is difficult to sleep is usually caused by an event in the individual's personal life and can be resolved without having to receive treatment. Chronic Insomnia is a period where the person has difficulty staying asleep or falling asleep and it has to happen at least three times a week for about three months or longer. Comorbid Insomnia is only when insomnia happens with a different medical condition. Onset Insomnia is when an individual is having trouble falling asleep at the beginning of the night. Finally, Maintenance Insomnia is when an individual has a hard time staying asleep during the night, they wake up in the middle of the night and can not fall back asleep.(What are Different Types of Insomnia?)
There are three types of insomnia: Secondary insomnia, Primary sleep disorders, and Idiopathic insomnia. Secondary insomnia is due to a range of medical and psychiatric problems and the chronic use of drugs and alcohol. Primary sleep disorders include circadian rhythm disorders, central sleep apnoea-insomnia syndrome, inadequate sleep syndromes and periodic limb movement or restless legs syndromes. Idiopathic insomnia is sleeplessness without a known cause, formerly called childhood onset insomnia. (Defined by Florence Cardinal, Your Guide to Sleep Disorders.)
Because they are described in a detailed manner, the Utopia book itself seems to be enough to be a blueprint for the future. However, Thomas More clearly stated that he just wishes Europeans to follow some good qualities of the Utopian society—“there are many things in the Utopian commonwealth that in our own societies I would wish rather than expect to see” (97)—because he himself knows that it is impossible for any country to be like Utopia. This is apparent, because Utopia is possible on the premise that every factor comes together to create this ideal society. Even the geography has to contribute to this premise, as Hythloday explains the geography of Utopia as the place where strangers cannot enter without one of them (39). Moreover, from diligent and compassionate Utopians’ characteristics and their ways of life, they seem to be successful in reaching the fullest of every aspect of their life including physical, intellectual, social, spiritual, and emotional, when it is hardly possible to even have one person like that in real life.
CDC Office of Infectious Diseases (OID) (2013). Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States. [online] p.15. Available at: [Accessed 17 Oct.