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Evolution of horror film
The appeal of horror movies
The appeal of the horror genre
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Recommended: Evolution of horror film
Audiences love to be scared. Horror films attempt to find some sort of
trigger in the audiences mind, and develop it to create horror.
Preceded by the great horror novels such as Dracula, and developed in
the early nineteen twenties and nineteen thirties in Germany. From
slash movies, to the post-modern psychological thrillers, horror films
have evolved into an art form. This genre relies heavily on the basic
horror conventions. These have been adapted from the early twentieth
century, and have developed a whole series of genre conventions into a
familiar variety of scary settings, iconography, and stereotyped
characterisation. Audiences have a clear understanding of this, and
they use it to their advantage. They can keep putting the audience
through the jolts that horror conventions continue to give. An
effective way of keeping the horror fresh would be to break the cycle,
by breaking certain conventions.
The isolated setting in the two films is a key device used to
establish a threatening atmosphere. In “Dark water”, the director uses
an old dilapidated block of flats as the main setting for the horror.
This kind of location is widely used in horror films, it isolates the
characters, and renders them vulnerable to the inevitable horror that
threatens them. In “The mothman prophecies” there is a different
setting, but with relatively similar conventions. It is set in a small
West Virginia town, and although the town is not quite as isolated or
claustrophobic as the setting for “Dark water”, it is far from outside
help, and this makes it prone to the horror. In this context, “Dark
water” uses its setting well, and in contrast t...
... middle of paper ...
...films suffer because of this.
Overall, I believe that “Dark water” uses horror genre conventions to
the best effect. The director merges his own ideas with traditional
conventions to great effect in the film, but it does not work well
with the Hollywood aspects of the film. Horror genre conventions are
evident in both films and the way they are directed has given me
obvious indications on the effect the horror conventions can have on a
film when used well, and the adverse effect when not used well. Both
Japanese and American society are evident in these films, and the
style of the films are similar to the nationality of the two
directors. Horror conventions are used in both films, but the way they
are used are quite different, and these contrasting styles are key in
how effective the two films are to their audience.
In the short story “By the Waters of Babylon” by Stephen Vincent Benet, the theme of truth is revealed by Johns father when he said, "Truth is a hard deer to hunt. If you eat too much truth at once, you may die of the truth” (Benet 326). “By the Waters of Babylon” focuses on the thought that man is capable of anything and everything, including diminishing itself. The author establishes the theme of truth throughout the story by the futuristic setting, the first person narrator point of view, and the archetypal quest throughout the story.
Overall, in Stephen King’s essay, “Why We Crave Horror Movies”, his suggestion that we view horror movies to “reestablish our feelings of essential normality” (562) and there is a “potential lyncher in almost all of us” (562) has brought forth many aspects that I have never really thought about. Why do we have so much excitement when it comes to horror films? Everyone has their own opinion, which will never end with one definite answer. Stephen King thinks there’s and evil in all of us, but I don’t think so. The evil only comes out if you make it, we do not need horror films for psychic
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A horror film should therefore make the audience imagine the terror in order to maximise the fear factor. Many horror films nowadays use similar techniques to those used by Spielberg in the film ‘Jaws’. They use techniques such as framing and mise-en-scene in order to create something called safe space and unsafe space. Safe space is the space that the camera is looking at.
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According to the dictionary a myth is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events..(oxforddictionaries.). On the other hand, there are no myths in the Bible because the Bible tries to explain the world we live in. It is a historical account of the world and its surroundings before, during, and after Jesus' time on earth. Therefore, the Bible itself contains a timeline of historical events that include places, historical figures and also coincides with other non-biblical related events. For example, mythical stories aim to explain how things have come to be, but does not point to a particular location or involve human beings, nor do they give any information regarding the future. However, in the Bible, the events take place in places still known to people today, with historical figures such as Pontius Poilate, Herod, Jesus and many more figures. The Bible gives insight and information into many more days to come and into the distant future.Although the Bible is not a scientific book, it is accurate regarding scientific knowledge and facts. This is because in the Bible, God is the creator of the world, and is all-knowing. In 1861, the French Academy of Sciences claimed to find 51 scientific errors in the Bible. However, with the progress of scientific research and time the 'errors' found by the French Academy of Sciences were errors caused by the academy itself and not by the Bible. There were some facts written in the Bible long ago, and with the progress of life we started to discover and witness them. One of these facts is the spherical Earth:
Film scholars around the world agree that all genres of film are part of the “genre cycle”. This cycle contains four different stages that a specific genre goes through. These stages are: primitive, classic, revisionist, and parody. Each stage that the genre goes through brings something different to that genre’s meaning and what the audience expects. I believe that looking at the horror genre will be the most beneficial since it has clearly gone through each stage.
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How the Opening Sequence of Halloween Captures the Attention of the Audience ' 'Halloween' was made in 1978 and is a good example of the 'Slasher' movies from that time and this is an interesting piece of cinema as it can be related to the German expressionism of the late 1920's which used jerky camera shots and high contrast lighting to enthrall the viewer .In this essay I will discuss how the opening to Halloween captures the audiences attention and how codes and conventions create suspense and tension for the audience.
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What marks horror as different from other genres is both the relationship it has with the audience and its tendency to twist and subvert cultural norms. I intend to explore that subversion today, and hopefully arrive at a deeper understanding of certain features.
Usually, some sort of spectacle is made that terrifies the characters as well as the audience (Casciato). Also, the most horrifying part of a horror movie tends to be the monster. In the beginning, the audience believes that the intruders in the house are the monsters. However, at the end of the movie the audience learns that the mother, Grace, attempted to murder her children and committed suicide; which makes them the monsters. This is brought up when the children are captured by the intruders and the mother is forced to save them. There is a circle of the intruders holding hands at a table with an old lady at the head. The old lady begins to scream “You’re dead!” to the family over and over again. That of course, is the moment of
Horror movies are supposed to be scary and adrenaline pumping with the purpose of frightening the audience. Horror movies have changed tremendously throughout the decades. For instance,
Would you rather be horrified beyond repair or thrilled to the point of no return? In horror, the main purpose is to invoke fear and dread into the audience in the most unrealistic way. Horror movies involve supernatural entities such as ghosts, vampires, teleportation, and being completely immortal. As thriller films are grounded in realism and involve more suspense, mystery, and a sense of panic. Though both genres will frighten the audience, it will happen in two different ways. Whether the horror thrills or the thriller horrifies, a scare is always incorporated.