Casciato's Use Of Suspense In The Film 'The Others'

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This film incorporates the worlds of both the living and the dead to create an entertaining plot filled with suspense. The Others opens on a scene of a woman screaming, who is later found out to be the mother of two children, Anne and Nicholas, who have a sun allergy. Since her husband has gone off to war, the mother gets quite stressed over the amount of work she has to do around the house to keep her children safe. Her servants all mysteriously disappeared the night before, but luckily three housekeepers arrive just in time to give her a hand. Doesn’t that seem like a coincidence? First, according to Bruce Kawin, a good horror movie must have a set of values at stake (Casciato). In The Others, the mother is a devout Christian and raises her children to be the same. As the movie progresses, Anne and Nicholas confess to their nanny Mrs. Mills that they don’t believe everything the bible says. In addition, strange things begin to happen in the house. Anne tells her mother that there are other people in the house, and eventually her mother believes her. As ghosts are not a part of the Christian belief, it is obvious that the entire family is now questioning their beliefs. …show more content…

Usually, some sort of spectacle is made that terrifies the characters as well as the audience (Casciato). Also, the most horrifying part of a horror movie tends to be the monster. In the beginning, the audience believes that the intruders in the house are the monsters. However, at the end of the movie the audience learns that the mother, Grace, attempted to murder her children and committed suicide; which makes them the monsters. This is brought up when the children are captured by the intruders and the mother is forced to save them. There is a circle of the intruders holding hands at a table with an old lady at the head. The old lady begins to scream “You’re dead!” to the family over and over again. That of course, is the moment of

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