Comparing Captain Marvel And Iron Man

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Three films. Three characters. Three lives and three superheros. From 1941 to 2008, the superhero has evolved, from a human with a cape to a high-tech modern day muscleman. Each having the core purpose of fighting for justice, but yet playing different roles is our society. The following similarities and differences are seen in the three films.
In Captain Marvel, Billy Batson, is represented as a young noble radio operator for a group of American archaeologists. On the discovery of "The Valley of Tombs," Billy Batson decides to remove himself from the expedition. Thus being choosen by the wizard to be the Earth's protector. Unlike Iron Man, Billy Batson is given his powers rather then creating them. He turns into the incredible Captain Marvel when saying "Shazam." Captain Marvel is repersented as a strong dominate charater, we can see this through the way he picks up heavy boulders in the beginning scenes of the film.

Even though he is presented as a strong character, his appearance differs, unlike Superman and Iron Man which look …show more content…

Unlike Captain Marvel, this gives the viewers the opportunity to truly examine Clark Kents alter ego in Superman. We establish, the real transformation from Clark Kent as a quite, shy newspaper journalist to that of strong confident heroic man. Superman is born with his powers, and unlike Captain Marvel and Iron Man, he uses his powers purely for justice without killing anyone. Society during the 1970's needed an idol that represented humanity at it's best. Making the right decision, even if it didn't seem like it. For example, taking Lex Luthor to prison without killing him. Superman is suggested as starting the trend of the "cookie-cutter musclemen"(Maria Hart, April 2016) which represent modern day superhero's including Iron Man. These charaters look physically strong, unlike Captain Marvel, Superman truly fits the name of being

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