Comparing Democrats and Republicans
The Democrat Party’s and Republican Party’s ideologies and beliefs differ greatly from one another on all different issues. Their political cultures, which are defined as “the set of values, beliefs, and attitudes within which a political system operates” (Moten, 40) are very different from one another. They argue and disagree on issues that range from how the economy and the government should be run, to social issues such as gay marriage and abortion. I intend to compare the cultures of each political party, and in the process of doing so, show what issues both parties stand for and what they are against.
As far as party philosophies go, the Democratic Party is a party that leans to the left, or is left wing. They are also called liberals and are usually argue for a bigger, more involved government that tackles issues ranging from law enforcement, to defense, to providing for the people who are unable to provide for themselves. They argue that the poor or those living in poverty should be able to count of the government to help them survive. Left-wing politics are political positions that accept or support social equality. They are often opposed to social hierarchy and social inequality. Democrats, although not Socialists, believe in Socialism oriented ideas. They believe that people who are living in poverty should be helped by the government assistance programs such as unemployment welfare, food stamps, government provided universal healthcare, and social security checks after a person has retired. Democrats usually support lower tax rates on the lower classes and higher tax rates on the upper classes.
Republicans are the party that leans to the right, and are often referred to a...
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...automatic firearms that would usually be utilized by the military and some police forces, and reducing the amount of ammunition that an ammunition magazine can hold.
On the topic of gun control Democrats have met a lot of resistance from Conservatives and the Republican Party. The Republican Party cites their belief that gun control and the measures that have been proposed by the Democrats would be in violation of their Second Amendment rights, which states they have “the right to bear arms.” Republicans often argue that they have the right to possess firearms as a means to protect their property and family. As for the topic of the military, the Republicans want to increase the budget of the military, they cite national defense a reason why this should be done, and are more likely of the two parties to send troops to other countries that are undergoing conflict.
Foreign policy is another major topic that Democrats and Republicans have strong views about. In a situation where the military may be required, Democrats approve of targeted strikes and the restriction of manpower. Republicans approve of a more intense military with more soldiers.
Economics is the study of currency and how it is made and distributed through our economy. Taxation is one of those main issues in this category. The Democrats and Republicans both consider taxation a major issue but both have different ways they are trying to deal with the problem. The Democrats believe that extending tax cuts to the middle class families of America that make less than 250,000$ a year while raising taxes on the extremely wealthy and huge corporations to help parents pay for college (“Democrats Unveil”). While the Republican Party says it would “try to eliminate taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains altogether for lower and middle-income taxpayers also would work to repeal the estate tax and the alternative minimum tax” (“Democrats Unveil”). They both want to change the tax policy to try to help pay off our debt and or help Americans to live an easier life. Another Key issue in this category is Medicare. Both parties believe that the Medicare policy should be changed. "Democrats adamantly oppose any efforts to privatize or voucherize Medicare" when the Republicans pledge...
Firearms are classified into three broad types handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Rifles and shotguns are both considered “long guns.” A semi-automatic weapon fires one bullet each time the user pules the trigger, it will also eject the empty shell after its fired, and will automatically load another round into the gun. A automatic will fire multiple bullets as long as u hold the trigger down. Gun control has been a topic in government law making for years, although here recently gun control has been pushed for harder than ever. The major incident that started the fuss was the Sandy Hook school shooting in which they blame guns for a troubled young man killing six adults and twenty children. According to politics/policy a news paper article “Republicans have shot down any attempts to enact new Federal gun control laws and restrictions. Yet lawmakers have had some success in a handful of states such as Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, and New York have toughened back ground check rules or banned large capacity clips or weapons.”
The political power obtained gives the political party the ability to implement their proposed policies and programs making it extremely desirable. Political parties have many significant roles in society including that they act as a means for directing political power, collecting public interests, and providing the public with choices and options. The primary goal of political parties is ultimately the obtainment of power. There are two main political parties which are Democrats and Republicans and both of these parties hold different views and beliefs. Republicans are mainly centered on the belief that each person is in charge of their own place in society. Republicans believe in limiting the intervention of the government in the work of the individual towards success. Republicans believe that the government should not intervene unless it is needed and that the freedom, dignity, and responsibility of the individual are the most important and should come first. Republicans also hold on to the idea that the government should only intervene when society is unable to operate at the level of the individual. Republicans believe that the government should be kept close to individuals as well as to the state and the community as opposed to the federal level. On the other hand,
an directly in opposition to the establishment of the Republican Party -- and all it believed in. These people have failed you, Trump told crowds. They lied to you. They abandoned their principles. They aren't who they said they were.
When you hear the word democratic republicans and federalist you think opposites but let's see why that is. Federalist are mostly recognize as being the wealthy side of the party because all thing that they fight for like the fact that they prefer a National bank. But why do they prefer a National Bank we might think that it’s the same thing but It's not for them its more money to their pockets. Like when we pay taxes they agree with this because when it come that time of the year when people get their taxes they receive large amounts of money. While all of this is going on with the federalist the Democratic republicans which are mostly known as the middle class thought the total opposite of this because none of this favored them. Like they
The most notable policies the republicans proposed have been alternatives to the controversial Affordable Care Act. Patient Care Act, Empowering Patients First Act and Health Care Choice Act are some of the bills that were proposed shortly after what is commonly referred to as “Obamacare” was enacted. Republicans are also prolife, and although it’s a hotly debated topic being on the side of life is generally seen as a positive. The Republican party has a positive pro-business approach that can be seen through different tax plans put forth over the last few years. Donald Trump and John Kasish both released plans to grow business and give business owners a better chance at success. Prolife, pro-business, and alternatives to “Obamacare” policies are all positive positions that republican party as a whole agrees
Democrats support progressive taxes i.e. they want high-income individuals to pay taxes at a higher rate. They support higher taxes on the wealthy to pay for public programs. Republicans support tax cuts for everyone (rich and poor alike). They consider higher tax rates on the rich a form of class warfare. There is greater overall support in the Democratic party for immigration, they believe that a moratorium on deporting or offering a pathway to citizenship to certain undocumented immigrants. Republicans are generally against amnesty for any undocumented immigrants. They also oppose President Obama's executive order that put a moratorium on deporting certain workers. Republicans also fund stronger enforcement actions at the
Democrats and Republicans have very different views, including what Social issues they do or do not support. The biggest social issues of interest include Abortion, gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, gun control, immigration, ISIS, confederate flag and racial inequalities. One of the biggest issues is Abortion, it has been legal since 1973 and democrats fully support it. Republicans do not support abortion, in fact they have tried multiple times to try to make it illegal, but still support pro life. Gay marriage became legal on June, 26, 2015 making the democrats extremely happy, but leaving the Republicans completely opposed to it. Republicans view illegal immigration as an economic threat and a violation of
gun law is hurting people. Democrats on the other hand want to lower taxes for lower
The Democratic Party is the most seasoned political gathering in the United States and among the most seasoned political gatherings on the planet. It follows its underlying foundations to 1792, when supporters of Thomas Jefferson received the name Republican to underline their hostile to monarchical perspectives.
Political parties are made up of coalitions of people and organizations. Over the years, the Republican Party, the more conservative party, has become aligned with businesses and business interests, while the Democratic Party, the more liberal party, has aligned with the labor unions and minorities and women. In turn, these alignments have shaped the positions of the parties on major public policy issues facing America.
During election times, most individuals are either on the democratic or republican side. Some people are willing to change sides based on who will best fulfill their political views, while others will always be democratic or republican and never change. Democrats and republicans are the same in a few ways but have many different views; some of which are taxes, gun control, healthcare, immigration, and abortion. This year, 2016, I have listened to quarrel debates, heard rumors about candidates, and have seen different protests on social media because of the election that just occurred. As this election has come to a conclusion, I have learned much more about the government and numerous dissimilarities between democrats and republicans.
Not every political party can be trusted. The main two focuses now a days are the biggest liars of them all. Which is democrats and republicans. They all wear there fancy suits, make there money, and complain about who did what and why they did it. But in reality they all want things and don’t want things. Politicians are very similar but yet very different.
These two parties differ on a multitude of levels involving; taxation, social issues and programs, health care, labor and free trade, energy and environment issues, education, civil liberty and capital punishment (“Differences Between Republicans and Democrats,” n.d., para. 5-15). Upon closer examination, there are three social policy issues that have become extremely popular in recent debates due to media coverage; immigration, gun control, and reproductive rights (e.g.,