Compare And Contrast The Imagery Of The Egyptian Palette Of Narmer

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1. Compare and contrast the imagery of the Egyptian Palette of Narmer with the Akkadian Stele of Naram-Sin. How do they represent their respective kings, as rulers and also as human figures? How are the other figures represented? How do the artists approach the narrative (storytelling) process? The Egyptian Palette of Narmer includes four different sections, it also includes many different figures, some human like and others are different combinations of various animals. As stated in the Ancient and Medieval History online article, the purpose of this palette was thought to be used as a table to pulverize cosmetics (Davis, Hunt). King Narmer is seen as a powerful figure on the Palette. The artist made King Narmer look powerful by including …show more content…

The Egyptians often included lions to symbolize strength, leadership, loyalty, and war. The top of the palette also includes a human face with bull horns. This was done in attempt to represent the gods the ancient Egyptians believed in. These gods are associated with power, masculinity, and fertility. The story behind the palette is thought to be related to the unification of Egypt. The king is also seen performing a ritual done in which they remove heads of enemies and stand over them (Kleiner 58). The Victory stele of Naram-Sin holds similar features, however there are some distinct characteristics that set the two apart. The stele is obviously a different material than the Egyptian palette of King Narmer. The palette was made of soft siltstone while the stele was made of pink limestone. They both have similar shapes; however, the palette is much more polished than the stele. Both pieces to me seem to represent godlike features. For example, in the palette the king is shown as larger than his enemies and in the stele the king is standing over the people and is much higher than them. As rulers, they are both depicted as strong and heroic and as humans, they are depicted as

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