Compare And Contrast Ecological Systems Theory And Ellie Bronfenbrenner

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When comparing two family development theories I compared Erickson Psychosocial theory of human development to Ulie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological systems theory. The three a key elements to Erickson Psychosocial theory 1) Ego Identity human interactions more conscious of one self and their surrounding 2) Ego strength oneself becoming more competent confidant and therefore feel more important 3) Conflict. Will experience conflict, could sustain person growth or failure depending on the outcome. (Galvin. K., 2015)
Ecological systems theory, surrounding environment 5 levels: Micro System: relationships to the ones closet and most influential to a child’s life, they would include parents, teachers, friends. 2) Mesosystem: extended relationship that the child is exposed to example parent/teacher is it positive or negative do they support each other. I would suppose that this …show more content…

Rules can play into part between home and school, and get complicated when home rules cross over into the classroom inhibiting the effectiveness of the teacher. Equifinality states that there are different ways to reach the end result, this flexibility can be beneficial in a school setting understanding that not all children learn the same. Wholeness would play a part with a teacher/student relationship as the teacher might understand the context of the family and make accommodation’s necessary for the child learning environment.
4a) If a tragic accident happened in our family the significance and resilience factor would depend on who was left to deal with the aftermath. If I was left a widow and my children lost their father my family would be devastated and feel like the world had just ended for a while. In time I would seek outside resources to help us navigate the loss. We have a strong sense of faith and would rely on our church family for support, and also are family and

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