Compare And Contrast ADD And ADHD

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In the early eighties, children were being diagnosed with a mental illness that consistently brings them out of focus. The mental illness was later named, ADD or ADHD, and not known as an illness but as a disorder. Soon enough ADD was no longer used for diagnoses and became considered an outdated term among doctors. Therefore, instead of ADD and ADHD being two different types of disorders they are now both claimed as attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Although these two types of deficits have inattention difficulties as the primary symptom, they both can not be combined due to ADD having its own preferences on what makes the child or adult inattentive in day to day situations. Most people believe ADD and ADHD people have the same emotional and behavioral tendencies. Emotionally, ADD and ADHD is either at high point or low point there is no in between. Both ADD and ADHD adolescents and adults are prone to having severe anxiety. This causes a person with either disorder to feel frustrated with themselves. Case in point, …show more content…

A family member will notice this behavior if they keep an eye on fidgetiness. These fidgets can range from a child not staying in one place or just excessively tapping their pencil. Even if the child is told to stop at least four or five times they will continue to do it because of their restless nature. Most of the time adults with ADHD are always on the go and can not keep a stable job. With age their impulse control becomes more severe and develops risky-behavioral issues. Such as, resorting to either drinking or abusing drugs. All of these activities are categorized as thrill-seeking which is the reason for an adult with ADHD to have the need to commit them. Therefore, adolescents and adults with this disorder have such intense behaviors is because they are seeking something that is

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