Compare And Contrast 9/11 Essay

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Two Attacks, Two Countries, Two Tragic Days

Two different bombing, both have brought countries closer together. By coming together showing the world that they can and will still stand strong. Even more their strong will and an even stronger nation. Reading the next paragraphs will state some similarities and differences on the attack of 9/11 in the United States and the 7/11 bombing in The United Kingdom. The two different terrorist attacks are the 9/11 terrorist attack on American soil and The London 7/7 Bombing. Even though the attacks are very different they are also very similar.
9/11 was one of the most tragic days on the United States history. The morning of September 11, 2001 had started off normal. The calm morning turned into a horrifying day after four planes were high-jacked. The Air force was dispatched attempted to stop them without having to destroy the planes. However the communications failed, making the end result terrible for the United States. Two of the planes crashed into the twin tower also known as the World Trade Center. The third plane hit the pentagon just outside of Washington D.C. Whereas the fourth and …show more content…

The four bombers were Mohammad Siddique Khan, Shedzed Tanweer, Hasib Hussain, and Germaine Lindsay1. They’d discharged four devices, three taking place on the Underground and one on a double-decker bus. The first bomb located on a westbound Circle Line train that happened to be heading towards Paddington. As a result the bomb had killed 6 people. Shedzad Tanweer had set off the second device on the eastbound Circle Line train between Liver Pool Street and Aldgate. Because of this bomb 7 people had lost their lives. The third explosive was detonated on a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square. Hasib Hussain had taken 13 people lives with the bomb. The worst and deadliest bomb attack remained on Piccadilly Line between King's Cross and Russell Square detonated by Germaine

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