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Advantages and disadvantages of community service
The advantages of community service
The advantages and disadvantages of community service
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Recommended: Advantages and disadvantages of community service
When people hear how many hours of community service I have done, they ask, "Do you get paid?" When I say no, they wonder why I do it. I tell them it's because I like to help people.
Many think that community service is just something you are forced to do for school. To me, community service is a way of giving back. I like making people feel as though they matter, and it gives me a warm feeling at the end of the day because I feel I have made a difference. I grow as a person each time I do community service.
Some people do community service because they have to, but I do it because I want to. I have volunteered over 300 hours of community service at a local elementary. I helped children complete their homework assignments and spend quality time with them while their parents work late. I read to the children and played with them when their parents do not have the time.
For the past three years, I have assisted the adult volunteers at the After School Care program at Parkview Elementary. My main supervisor was Mrs. King. This program is one in which, parents can leave their children supervised by adults while they work late. I was assigned a group of 10 children, between the ages of 5-11. I volunteered two hours every weekday, tutoring and mentoring my group.
The first week was a little awkward. I did not know any of the kids or what to talk to them about. Mrs. King asked me to help them tie their shoes. So, one by one, they came into the hallway and I helped them with their shoes. This gave me the opportunity to talk to them just one-on-one and see what they were like. It was great! They were very friendly and talkative.
Since I began in November 2000, I have been going every weekday until my mission was accomplished in December 2001. I have worked with them on completing their homework, reading books, and many different things. It has been a great experience for me. Every time I see my students, they always say hi and I receive many hugs. They make me feel extremely important just being with them. I am a significant role model and a great influence for these growing children.
I love helping out students and teachers. I wish everyone had the chance to do a project like this and see how much fun it is.
I think that community service is something that everyone should do. Some people only do community service because they need the hours for school or an extracurricular activity, but when you something nice for another person, it not only makes you feel 100 times better about yourself, it also, whether you know it or not, improves another person's life. Being able to give to another person without expecting anything in return is the best quality that a person can have because the 21st century is a time where a portion of people have what they want at their fingertips. What some people don't realize is that not everyone has the blessings of living the life that they have, that is why I try so hard to give back to the community. I personally do community service a lot, and seeing the faces of the people that I have helped means so much to me because I know deep down that I have done something that required me to put others needs before my own. I get that feeling when I help out in the special needs class at my school. I feel complete when the students give me hugs and thank me for my help. That feeling motivates me and makes me a happier person. Even when all I can do for another person is make them smile, I feel like I have done something important that has helped someone more than I
I am dedicated to helping out our community and school, because it warms my heart and soul. Seneca said in about 40 to 60 A.D. that you should “be silent as to services you have rendered, but speak of favors you have received.” In other words you should not boast about the numerous projects you have accomplished and how much physical work you executed, but rather pride yourself on how you helped people in community and school, and how you have affected their lives with positive means. I feel life is joyous and it should be the feeling everyone illustrates, and this is exactly what keeps me functioning in the stressful world today. I find comfort in helping others to make their lives a little more like heaven and this comfort motivates me to perform copious service projects to the best of my capability whenever I find the time. Time is fair to the rich, the poor, and to every race, because time is equal and gives everyone 24 hours daily to accomplish their required tasks. Because time is so valuable and I am occupied by difficult advanced placement and honor classes and juggle school, clubs, sports, and friends, I joined Key Club, a high school division of the adult service club, Kiwanis. Key Club opened new doors to make every extra minute count towards helping others.
With the help of the Me To We team at Queen Street Public School, I volunteered at a local food bank. The experience was quite educational and fascinating. We encouraged staff and students to donate non-perishable food items for the "We Scare Hunger" campaign. This was definitely a highlight of my grade five year because I felt very humble and warm-hearted by doing a simple act of kindness. In addition, I was chosen to participate in the "Intergenerational" program. This was created so that grade five students can learn more from the elders of the Burton Manor senior home. We had the privilege to learn about their history and interact with them through several educational and fun activities. If accepted, I will indeed join several clubs and teams to contribute my time and talents to make the school an exciting learning
After joining however I quickly realized the difference I could make in someone’s life by simply donating a few hours of my time. The school children I mentor 2-3 times a week are one of the greatest delights. Many of them do not receive any one on one time with another individual except for when I am tutoring them. These children have such great potential if only their parents and other adults around them would take the time to see it. It fills me with great satisfaction knowing that I am making a difference in those who one day may be leading this
Community service means helping people who are in need and not excepting anything in return. It is very important because it teaches you how to work with different people and it helps you and the person you are helping. There are always places in the community that are in need of volunteers. The organization I chose to volunteer at was BAPS, also known as Bochasan Vasi Akshar Purushottam Sanstha.
Every time I do some kind of service – I have the opportunity to learn new ideas, discover new perspectives and I've have grown as an individual. By giving back I like making people feel as though they matter, and it gives me a good feeling at the end of the day because I feel I have made a difference. I grow as a person each time I do volunteering. Some people do volunteering because they have to, but I do it because I want to. I love volunteering.
Tutoring kids is one type of community service. I can say from experience teaching kids to learn is a great feeling. I know because I’ve been tutoring kids for almost seven months. You’ll be surprised how it makes you feel. To have one of your students’ parents thank you because there child has never been able to make an “A” in there reading or math class. Just hearing those words lets me know that I am already making a difference. The place that I volunteer at is Casa De Amigos and the children that go there really look up to you. Yes you’re helping them to be able to reach their goals but you’re also teaching them that helping the community can change so many lives.
I am grateful for the opportunity to have volunteered at the elementary school. It opened my eyes to a few of the problems in our communities. I was able to make others aware of those problems through volunteering and being proactive. I am going to continue with the program for as long as I am able to do so. If only we had millions of these programs across the globe, many other children would be able to benefit and develop the skills to succeed educationally.
Community service: What a wonderful opportunity for students! A chance for our younger citizens to learn responsibility, experience the satisfaction that comes with helping others and to acquire new skills.
Community service is a voluntary, unpaid act of kindness that an individual perform to benefit and help others who are in need. It is important for individuals to do community services. It is not only about helping the community but, also making a difference in someone’s life. It can help a person grow and build connections mentally, physically, and emotionally. Mentally, a person who does community service is able to change their perspective of the world and appreciate the things they have. Physically, it can help a person be more motivated and explore what is going on in their community. Emotionally, it can help a person feel kindness therefore, it can also help an individual interact with others, build a relationship, and further their communication. Participating in community service can help a person become more active and involved in their community, it can also build your work related skills and make you gain experience to network with future employers and companies. Community Service helps an
“To whom much is given, much is expected.” This quote exemplifies my own personal philosophy on community service. Service is the greatest gift one can return to their community. When an individual takes their personal time and effort to help others in need, it helps progress not only the community they live in, but multiple communities ; ultimately promoting unity and teamwork. People gather together to work towards a common goal: building the people and organizations they are directly and indirectly affected by so that the next generation will be stronger than the previous one. Community service is but is not limited to monetary and material donations, housing reinforcement, neighborhood clean ups. It is as simple as holding a toy drive for
Without community service, people would not know the meaning of charity and giving back. Community service can be defined as a service that is performed for the benefit of the public. Community service is not a responsibility or an obligation; it is a commitment. A person must want to do it with good intentions and not because they are being forced to do so. Basically, community service is a way for a person to give back to the community in which they live.
Fulfilling community service by volunteering has so many positive effects on the community. Serving in the community builds character and unity within the community.... ... middle of paper ... ... Mandating community service for high school graduation was the best idea anyone could ever invent.
The thought of community service was a bore to me before I began my volunteer work. I dreaded starting my community service although I knew I had to do it. Where I earned my hours did not even matter to me. I just wanted to get it over with. To my surprise it was not what I expected. Community service was not a painful experience; it was a very enjoyable and beneficial experience.
I used to hate community service. I only did it if it was a requirement for graduation or for a program. Even when I did community service, I still waited until the very last opportunity to do it. When I heard the words community service, all I could picture is cleaning Philadelphia parks or streets that were filled with trash in either the cold or heat. My mind always went to that space because that 's what my first few encounters with community service consisted of. My high school always had us cleaning something; one time we re-landscaped the parking lot of a homeless shelter. Another time, we cleaned up the weeds out of the loading docks of the non-profit food bank Philabundance. One time my mom made me volunteer