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Essay on the rise of communism in china
Rise of communism in china
Essay on the rise of communism in china
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Impact of Communism in China In 1927 Mao Zedong gained power of the Communist Party. After him and his troops declared victory over the Nationalist party led by Jiang Jieshi, Mao Zedong created the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949. This ended the civil war between the two parties. Multiple ideas were started hoping to bring success among China, unfortunately these once though great ideas turned out to be a disaster causing chaos and misfortune for the people in China. China has now gone through one of their darkest time, Communism. Communism had impacted China on three major aspect. Political, power that Mao gained and used to compose a more successful China, the economic decisions made by Mao Zedong, and how the social aspect of the country changed. As leader of the Communist Mao gained excessive political power, which lead to an autocracy over …show more content…
From 1953-1960, Mao led a program known as the Great Leap Forward. The Great leap forward was one of the greatest tragedies in the 20th century. Mao wanted to transform China in order to catch up with the others industrialized nation. Farmer were forced to produce steel, and so the food output was cut, causes millions to starve to death. According to Deng Xiaoping the four modernization goal was to develop China’s national economy. (Doc 4) They believed that in order to have an effective economy China need to master modern science and technology so that the society can grow and strive at a high speed. As a result of the Red Guard attack on the Chinese society they also had a significant impact on the economy. Skilled workers and managers lost their job and were forced to do manual labor on farms or in forced labor camps. Schools and factories closed, and the economy decreased. China suffer significantly through the Cultural Revolution led by the economic decisions made by Mao
Following the Chinese Revolution of 1949, China’s economy was in ruin. The new leader, Mao Zedong, was responsible for pulling the economy out of the economic depression. The problems he faced included the low gross domestic product, high inflation, high unemployment, and high prices on goods. In order to solve these issues, Mao sought to follow a more Marxist model, similar to that of the Soviet Union. This was to use government intervention to develop industry in China. In Jan Wong’s Red China Blues, discusses Maoism and how Mao’s policies changed China’s economy for the worse. While some of Mao’s early domestic policies had some positive effects on China’s economy, many of his later policies caused China’s economy to regress.
Throughout, 1900- 1950 there were a number of changes and continuities in China. From the fall of the dynasties to the rise of the Communist Party, these changes shaped China’s government and society. Although, many political changes were made multiple continuities were held constant such as, consistent rebellions and the lack of democracy.
Overall the Chinese from 100 CE to 600 CE was fulfilled with many cultural and political changes and continuities. The fall of the Han Dynasty brought political changes whereas the invention of paper brought about cultural changes. While there were a lot of changes, there were significant continuities, as well. Culturally, China saw Buddhism grow in power. Politically, they saw the wall of China go up as a way for their leader to protect them. Wither it was something changing or something that remained and grew, all of these things had a huge impact on China during this time period.
The Communist Government faced some political and economic challenges in the years 1917-28, with the Civil War leading to economic collapse, mass poverty and political crisis. The Communist Government tried to introduce measures to solve these problems, but with every solution there was more political and economic challenges.
The Cultural Revolution in China was led by Mao Zedong, due to this Liang and many others faced overwhelming obstacles in many aspects of their life such as work, family and everyday encounters, if affected everyone’s families life and education, Liang lets us experience his everyday struggles during this era, where the government determined almost every aspect of life.
The birth of the early 20th century gave way to many political changes around the world such as the emergence of communism as a new way to govern countries. The Soviet Union was the first country to convert to this way of governing through the Russian Revolution in 1917. With the rise of the Bolsheviks party, a small socialist party who supported the working class more than the upper class, as an outcome to this revolution many countries were inspired to follow their footsteps. One such country was China. As China fell imperially in 1911, the Chinese Communist party emerged, reflecting the same values as its inspiration by organizing the country’s urban-working class. With the invasion of Japan, China’s enemy, in 1937 the CCP’s internal opposition,
China has an extensive history that spans thousands of years and various dynasties. Each dynasty has made their own significant achievements which have contributed to the shaping of China. However, some historians believe that because China followed a "dynastic cycle" for so long, the society was unchanging and stagnant. But the fact of the matter is that China was actually undergoing massive changes within itself which would lead to the shaping of a new China.
The Communist revolution in China was loosely based on the revolution in Russia. Russia was able to implement the beginnings of Marxist Communism in the way that it was intended They had a large working class of factory workers, known as the proletariat, that were able to band together and rise up to overthrow the groups of rich property owners, known as the bourgeoisie. The communist party wanted to adopted this same Marxist sense of revolution, but they realized that there were some fatal flaws in the differences between the two countries. The first was that there was not the same sense of class difference between people, yes there were peasants and landowners but there was not a sense of a class struggle. The other difference was that China was not industrialized like Russia so there was no proletariat group, as defined by Marxism, to draw the revolution from. What the Chinese Communists needed to do is re-define the proletariat for their situation, who they looked at were the peasants.
...hinese Seamstress gives an accurate depiction of things that occurred during the Chinese Culture Revolution. It shows that youth were re-educated in villages by poor peasants and that material of western influences that opposed Mao and his ideas were considered bad and were banned. It shows that in order to re-educate them they were to do manual labor and live in communes. They were removed from their families and the things they took for granted. Their lives were no longer under their control, they were told were to go live, where to work and what they can and cannot do. The Chinese Culture Revolution had a profound impact on the people in China from every aspect of life, men, women and children and from every age were affected.
China's Economy and Society in the Late 1940's and 1950's. In 1945, the war with Japan ended. It left China's economy and society in a ruins. The country is divided into two.
The revolution halted the progress China was making towards modernization and harmed the country’s economy significantly. The Cultural Revolution only did harm to China and stopped the prosperity it was gaining from earlier revolutions in 1900’s due to the fear of old culture, restoring capitalism, and counterrevolutionary ideas. The memoir by Rae Yang, Spider Eaters: A Memoir perfectly captures the true nature of the revolution. The destruction of China’s culture, people, and household is portrayed all throughout this memoir. One of the main aspects of the Cultural Revaluation was the formation
This essay has critically analysed and examined the effect of Communism on the Chinese Society during the period of 1946-1964. The overall conclusion that can be drawn is that the Chinese Communist Party managed to defeat the Kuomintang (Nationalist) Party and achieve victory in the Civil War, in spite of alienation by the Soviet Union and opposition from the U.S. This was primarily because of the superior military strategy employed by the Communists and the economic and political reforms introduced by this party which brought more equality to the peasants in the form of land ownership and better public services. This increased China’s production and manufacturing which not only boosted the country’s economy but also provided a more sustainable supply of food, goods and services for the Chinese people.
Ever since Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels introduced the idea of communism in 1848, most of the world has been changed. The main theory of communism was, and still is, utilized by many countries. Thanks to communism, the political understandings of our modern world has been changed significantly, resulting in communist countries whose politics still contain small amounts of communist ideology. Weather it be America or China, communism has shaped the world for better or for worse. Communism is a theory where all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
As it’s known around the world, Chinese political system is Communism. Some may say that communism is good and bad. Well it all began when Mao Zedong came into power, his ideas influenced Chinese people and how the true way of living is. The introduction of communism into China changed how people perceived each other. One of his first ideas was “The Great Leap Forward,” which a lot of historians considered as a failure because its initial goals were never met. The Chinese society was losing faith in Mao, and not loyal to him. In desperate needs, Mao came up with the “Cultural Revolution” or also known was “The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution”. Mao main goal was to turn all people to follow the idea of communism, but not in the way like Russia did. Even though a huge amount of people died and harmed the future image of China. Mao did whatever it took to make people to follow his ideas, he didn’t matter what the consequences were, and he was willing to kill anybody who was a “counter revolutionary.” Well, was his idea successful? it mostly depends on your point of view. According to Dictionary.com, successful mean achieving or having success. This revolution has impacted everybody, with witnessed accounts during the Mao’s rule. At last, did it work? In the following essay, Mao’s ideas how people view communism as a form of a government than the abuse of power.
China's development is praised by the whole world. Its developments are not only in the economic aspect, but also in its foreign affairs. Compared to other developed countries, China is a relatively young country. It began constructing itself in 1949. After 30 years of growth, company ownership has experienced unprecedented changes.