Commercial Truck Insurance Essay

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Commercial Truck Insurance
Commercial truck insurance involves covering of a small or an owner operates offering trucking-services. Geared basically towards large companies, insurance can cost a firm owning only one or two trucks a lot of money.
The truck insurance options differ depending on the type of the truck, the risks incurred, the goods carried, the truck type as well as driver’s experience. The insurance package you opt for your business will likely have various types of coverage and getting information about how these options work will definitely help you choose the one suit your needs.
Basic Coverage
Basic truck insurance coverage contains comprehensive insurance and collision coverage. The collision-damage insurance covers the cost other vehicle incurred from an accident you are responsible of as well as your vehicle damages. While …show more content…

Cargo insurance is responsible to cover the losses or the damage of the cargo and it depends on value and type of the cargo.
Non-Trucking Coverage
This is type of coverage that does not directly relate to the cargo transportation and include bobtail insurance, occupational accident coverage, non trucking liability coverage, as well as coverage of personal items in the truck. Bobtail insurance is applied after the truck has delivered the load and the vehicle is travelling without a trailer or cargo, or if the truck owner uses it for personal use.
This option is similar to a non-trucking liability-coverage which comes in place when the vehicle has no cargo, whether pulling or not pulling the trailer. Occupational accidents-insurance is responsible in covering the owner operator in case of accidental death as well as the dismemberment that takes place in truck driving course.

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