Commentary On The Book 'Perfect' By Ellen Hopkins

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My book that I have chosen is “Perfect” by Ellen Hopkins. The main characters are Cara Sykes, Kendria Mathieson, Sean O’Connell, and Andre Kane III. Throughout the book it shows the different path each charters take for perfection. It also shows what the meaning of perfect means to each character. The book begins with Cara Sykes she has a twin brother Conner Sykes who has attempted suicide by shooting himself in the chest and was admitted to Aspen Springs because of their parents unrealistic expectations and their very controlling mother, her parents just thought conner wanted attention. To Cara you can be perfect on the outside but on the inside you can be very ugly. Conner suicide change everything for cara. Rumors has spread all around school about conners attempted suicide . When he was at home there was someone to split the pressure of their parents with. Cara is dating Sean O’Connell which is the perfect athlete, very adventurous and very good looking Cara seems to have the perfect life, she is going to stanford and had great grades. She was raped by Sean and tries to convince herself that she said “now” when she actually said “no”. When she breaks up with him, he post mean things about her on online and …show more content…

Both his mom and dad passed away, so his brother and him live with his uncle Jeff who can't provide very much. He loves Cara very much but he feels like Cara doesn't feel the same so therefor he is having a hard time. Sean wants to be perfect at baseball so he can get a full ride at stanford so he can be with Cara. So he turns to steroids and and is out of control and rapes Cara. His addiction to steroids turns into steroids psychosis, which causes him to hear a voice he calls “the man behind my eyes”. He ends up with a arrest record and a restraining order. At the end of the book he get his scholarship to stanford. But at this point he really has nothing to do with Cara

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