Commemorative Speech For Father

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Good Evening everyone, thank you for attending tonight’s ceremony. First, I would like to thank God for giving us another day. Now, on to the program. We are here to celebrate the achievement of my father, Lester King, earning the rank of Lt. Colonel in the military. He has earned this prestige after years of hard work, dedication, commitment, and sacrifice, being an example of excellence for those around him. Most of all, he has displayed a sturdy and steady pace of leadership. It hasn’t come easy though; as a youth in Antigua, he had to wake up early in the morning to milk cows before school, and then had to walk a few miles to school EVERY SINGLE DAY. This display of conquering challenges translated into the classroom, where he excelled …show more content…

He is a great example of what it means to be strong, courageous, motivated, and passionate. I never tell him this, but he is definitely one of my role models. He has taught me how to be strong, how to be motivated, the value of being passionate, caring for your family, how to succeed in life, not letting anything stop you from achieving what you want to accomplish, how to be a leader, and how to be a man. I will never be my dad, but one thing for sure is that I will someday come out as someone great because of the values he passed down to me. One of my favorite quotes from him is this, “the only time you fail is when you quit.” There are many times when we struggle, and we think that we are failing at our respective tasks. The thing is, you cannot fail if you continue working. Bill Gates was unsuccessful many times before he found the right solution to his product. Einstein was unsuccessful many times before he found the right solution to his problem. I’m sure even Beres Hammond or Gregory Isaacs did not get the right sound the very first time they recorded; it took some time before they became legends. As long as you continue working on your craft, failure is not on the table, and my father hasn’t failed yet, and never will. His drive is too strong for that. All in all, I hope that all of you have been impacted in some way by Lester King. Every great king leaves a great example for all

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