Commandments Pathos Animal Farm

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Imagine living in a world where animals would govern themselves. In the book Animal Farm by George Orwell, Old Major whom was a prize-winning old boar, called the animals of Manor Farm for a meeting while the owner of the farm, Mr. Jones was asleep. Old Major told all of the animals that he visioned dream where humans had no control of animals. By the end of the meeting Old Major taught the animals a song called “The Beasts of England”, which is a cry for rebellion against humans on Manor Farm and a spirit of enthusiasm for the rebellion. A couple of nights after the meeting, Old Major passed away. Three pigs that were still alive on the farm called Squealer, Snowball, and Napoleon came up with the idea of Animalism, along with the seven commandments …show more content…

In chapter four, a bunch of Mr. Jones men and men from two other farms called Frederick and Pilkington stepped foot on Animal Farm to kill the animals. Many animals fought back in order to keep their land. The animals defeated the humans and this was known to be the “Battle of Cowshed”. Although the animals won, there were many casualties and some animals such as the sheep died. The animals held a funeral service for the sheep that died. At the sheep’s’ graveside, “Snowball made a little speech, emphasizing the need for all animals to be ready to die for Animal Farm if need be” (Orwell 43-44). Snowball used pathos here because he was showing emotion on how all animals should die for each other if it is needed. Emotion was also shown because it was a serious speech and a funeral just occurred before it. Another example of pathos in the story is Napoleons attitude throughout the book. After Napoleon got rid of Snowball, he dominated Animal Farm. Animal Farm developed a communist form of government under Napoleon’s ruling. Napoleon started to be referred as “our leader” and “Comrade Napoleon” (Orwell 93). Eventually everyone started to love Napoleon and “The general feeling on the farm was well expressed in a poem entitled Comrade Napoleon, which was composed by Minimus” (Orwell 94). This showed pathos because all of the animals are showing emotion toward how much they love and respect Napoleon. The poem was made in honor of Napoleons ruling. One of the lines are “Every beast great or small sleeps at peace in his stall, thou watchest over all, Comrade Napoleon!” (Orwell, 94). This shows the emotion of love by worshipping Napoleon and by thanking him. There are many other examples of pathos shown in the book Animal Farm, and a lot of emotion is shown toward

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