College Tuition Cost Essay

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The topic of my thesis is tuition cost. As everyone at Hartwick knows school is not cheap, and it puts a certain amount of press on student. Some would argue saying the pressure is good makes us work harder. While others such as myself would say it put negative pressure on student because they are more worried about money than grades, and students that do work hard will despite the amount they pay in tuition. This leaves me with the questions How does cost of higher education tuition effect the students, and government? Should the US government put more tax dollars towards education? Does the amount of education grants change the quality in student’s work ethics?
States such as Tennessee, Oregon and Minnesota have made community college free …show more content…

The United States has over $1.3 trillion of student loan debt with 7 million borrowers in default. The government is at a pivotal point in history, one previous candidate wanted to create debt free schooling. “This is not a radical idea. Last year, Germany eliminated tuition because they believed that charging students $1,300 per year was discouraging Germans from going to college. Next year, Chile will do the same. Finland, Norway, Sweden and many other countries around the world also offer free college to all of their citizens…The University of California system offered free tuition at its schools until the 1980s The Sanders plan would make tuition free at public colleges and universities throughout the country (Bernie Sanders).” Right now with the millennials this issue is crucial. Education is a major part of politics and everyday life. The government is the base of the monetary and curriculum (for public schools), as well as finical aid for all the students that …show more content…

In recent years there has been a raise in tuition and a drop in grants for UK students. This has led to a 17% drop in UK undergrad students (BBC News, 2014). The UK does have a higher standard of living, it is ranked 6th in the world and the minimum wages sits at £7.20 but for under 25 years old it is £5.30-£6.70 for college age students. Those who can afford it pay for it but those who cannot take out loans/receive grants funded by the tax payer to afford university. The universities are equal to the US’s, both compete for the top spots in the world. However, all universities in the UK are Public Education and there are no private

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