College-Level Five-Person Group Speech Analysis

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I selected a college-level five-person group speech presentation about sex trafficking. This 2015 YouTube video can be accessed from The introduction was done by one of the presenters. To gain attention, he involved the audience by talking about statistics for prostitution and applying them to the number of men in the audience. A series of slides then illustrated the different aspects of sex trafficking. He provided quotations from men who had bought sex at one time or another. He read from a page several short, painful narratives from former prostitutes. He moved and gesture towards the screen during the introduction. This first presenter (reading from a single page and citing an unfamiliar source) simply …show more content…

A portion of a PowerPoint slide was seen as she spoke. Her enunciation was not clear and she spoke too fast to be easily understood. After her prepared remarks, she offered informal comments about the topic that finished with a general appeal for the audience to take notice of the issue. The third presenter offered ideas about how to create awareness of sex trafficking. Her gestures were erratic and distracting. She did try to be more informal with her remarks and gestured to the screen occasionally. The fourth presenter turned off the PowerPoint system to discuss an unintelligible aspect of the topic before she showed a four-minute video entitled "slavery" which contained comments from a former sex traffic victim who read prepared remarks about how she was mistreated followed by a produced video presentation; the enunciation of the presenter was weak, but she did make efforts to be more conversational. In two minutes, the final presenter encouraged the audience to report instances of sex trafficking. As he spoke, two of the presenters handed-out sheets with 888-numbers and other

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