College Admissions Essay: My Greatest Accomplishments

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In this time and era our youth has become oblivious to hard work and accomplishments. We think we have some entitlement that we deserve to have things without working for them and that things are just supposed to come easy. This is definitely not the case for me. Throughout my academic years, things didn't always come easy to me. With my ADHD, it made learning a little bit harder for me. It made understanding concepts a little difficult and challenging for me, which made studying a necessity for me. With with studying being a must, it came with long hours, countless late nights, and multiple cups of coffee. This in the end taught me dedication for my education. Studying wasn't the only thing I did to better my education, I took it one step …show more content…

Uniqueness, it's what makes a person who they are and who they want to become. We use our unique qualities and abilities to thrive and accomplish things that most others haven’t and we are proud of that. We are proud of our uniqueness and diversity because we see how it affects our everyday life and the decisions we make. For me, my unique quality is trusting my intuition and it has lead me to my greatest accomplishment. The unique quality that I have developed through life is trusting my intuition or trusting your gut as most people would say. In order to trust your intuition you have to visualize the outcome beforehand and then make it happen. I've used this quality throughout my highschool years whether it was to study for test, in sports, or in choices I make outside of school. It’s something I couldn't go through highschool without. Well this quality has helped me be able to accomplish great things outside of school it has also lead me to my great accomplishment in high school and that is being strong in my academics. Trusting my intuition helped me accomplish being strong in my academics because I envisioned and could see myself being great at anything I could learn and do when I worked for it. Of course there were times where no matter how hard I studied or went in for help I still wouldnt wouldnt understand but I learned to accept that it's ok not to understand sometimes but to work harder for

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