College Admissions Essay: Gymnastics In High School

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Since I was five years old, I had always been involved in some type of sport whether it was soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball or gymnastics. The first sport I decided to play was soccer, and I participated in that for two years then I decided I wanted to try gymnastics in the first grade. I quickly realized how well I was able to catch on to the things I was being taught, and I fell in love with gymnastics. When I reached the fourth grade I was taller than most average girls my age, and the basketball and volleyball coaches took notice of that. Sure enough, they continuously asked me to join basketball and softball, but I refused because I did not take any interest in it. Finally, after persistent asking I agreed to join because I felt bad rejecting the coaches multiple times. I had nothing to lose.

Joining basketball and volleyball in the fourth grade was one of the best things I could have done for myself at that time. It taught me socialization skills because I was extremely shy, how to work as a team, and confidence. It also installed many of my characteristics I hold today like competitiveness, mental strength, hard work and the drive to never give up. To my surprise, I would end up playing basketball and volleyball along with softball, track, and …show more content…

It was not about the fun anymore but more about winning. I had to devote my life to sports and live up to the coaches tough expectations. After a couple of months, I slowly began to start to dread going to practice and school because I was always exhausted from all of my school work and late nights because of practice. Fatigue started to take its role on my body, and I became uninterested in sports which at one time I loved. I felt like I had to continue with it though because I had high expectations from my coaches and I did not want to disappoint my coaches, teammates and

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