Coca Cola Company Vs Coke Case Study

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Coca-Cola Co. v. Koke Co. of America, 254 U.S. 143 (1920)

Facts: In 1886, John Pemberton invented a caramel-colored soft drink. It was name Coca-Cola after the main two ingredients kola nuts and coca leaves. The problem came when they called the beverage Coke. Coca- Cola Company sued The Koke Company from using the word “Koke” for any of their products. Coca- Cola Company was the plaintiff and The Koke Company was the defendant in this case. Coca- Cola states that the Koke Company is in violation of trademark infringement and it is unfairly making and selling the beverage that use a trademark of Coke. The defendant The Koke Company propose to manufacture and sell as a bottled product soft drink, which the defendant has designated as "Koke-Up"

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