Clothes By Divakaruni Summary

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The American Dream In the short story “Clothes”, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni tells a story of a young Indian women, Sumita, and her cultural transition to America after her arranged marriage to Somesh, an Indian man that lives in America. Somesh is co-owner to a 7-eleven store in California which he is very invested in. Throughout the story, he is always working at his store in hopes of making extra money towards his and Sumita’s future. His late nights working at the store later leads to Somesh’s tragic death. Upon analysis of all of the events that occur and Somesh’s death, I’ve come to realize that Sumita is torn between two diverse cultures and also that the American dream is not always what it is set out to be. This dream everyone longs for …show more content…

The way she talks about the 7-eleven store and describing it as exotic, strange and even risky. We get a sense that this is very unfamiliar to the culture she grew up with. Once she is in the country, she still follows her culture in the way that the wife takes care of the in-laws and she still wears her saris. Somesh manages to sneak her different American clothing. Throughout the story, we find her describing the different colors in the American clothing and also with the saris. (A motif that occurs.) This symbolism and motif allow the reader to grasp a better understand of Sumita’s feelings and transition into the culture and her new way of living. Though her dreams of her working and wearing American clothing is very common to us, it is the complete opposite of her culture and is not allowed. Also in the end of the story after Somesh’s death, her decision to stay and get an education is not something that usually takes place in her culture. This is where I came to realize the beginning of her being torn apart between the two cultures, with her wanting and wishing to do certain things yet around her in-laws, she follows her

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