Closing Of The American Mind Essay

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The Education System plays an important role in the society. It provides the knowledge and understanding foundations to students so that someday, they can contribute back to the community. It is the key of success for the future for all. However, I believe the education system today does not satisfy the students’ needs based on knowledge, interest or motivation. On the article (“The Closing of the American Mind”) by Robert Nielsen and the poem (“Legacy II”) by Leroy V. Quintana, both states that our education system today is lacking the preparations they need for their students based on their knowledge for their future career or their interest/motivation around them. Our Education system today shows that students these days do not question or show interest to the things around them, which in other words …show more content…

On the part where the grandson states “Now I look back only two generations removed realize I am nothing but a poor fool”, it shows that Grandfather had a better education through experiences, whereas the grandson had education through testing. This proves that educators these days use tests to see how well their students understand what they have taught, rather than through experiences. This has a positive effect making the students learn the material that the teacher wants them to learn, however the student ends up just learning it because they have to. In order to become educated someone has to want or even become passionate to learn something, has that eagerness to actually experience them and applied to real life . That is the only way that they would truly push themselves to further their knowledge. The same idea for Nielsen’s point of view where on the essay (“The Closing of the American Mind”), he states “that higher education (is now) within easier of Canadians than ever before”, which I very much agree with. Students now have easier access

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