Climate Change And Synthesis Essay

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Recent developments in the field of climate change have led to a renewed interest in damaged the planet beyond repair, whether it will be too late to save it from the destruction and it was become a widely debate topic. Climate change is a change of weather patterns in the statistical distribution while that changing will last for an extended period. It may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions. Global warming. There are three main problems about the climate change. One of the main issue “Does the human activity cause the complete destruction on the earth?”, “Does any factor obstruct people to retard the rate of climate change?”, and “How the climate change affects …show more content…

Adaptation is a response to global warming and climate change, that seeks to reduce the vulnerability of social and biological systems to relatively sudden change and thus offset the effects of global warming. Most of developing countries are lack of infrastructure and financial resources, while their technological level is lower than general. These countries did not contribute to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Even, they did not have enough resource and knowledge to support quality living place for people. In addition, climate change is global in both its cause and effect dimensions. As climate change is really a collective action problem, there is a built-in compulsion for addressing the root causes through international cooperation. The mitigation regime is not yet succeeding because of disagreements over cost or the sharing of responsibility among the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Every country has their own opinions, on the United Nations Framework on Climate Change's international meetings, they have difference argues on their own interests, it became a difficult issue to solve. That caused the countries cannot work together easily and develop an effective solution to solve global warming and climate …show more content…

In addition to warming temperatures, more frequent extreme weather events and changing patterns of rainfall and drought can be expected to have significant impacts on biodiversity.” It shown that the climate change’s effects already spread to destroy our ecosystem, and these problems are not building in one night. When the number of biodiversity are reducing, the food chain is not only for ecosystems, but also human's ability to support a growing population. There will be far-reaching effects on human and the

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