Citizen Kane Analysis Essay

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Citizen Kane, directed and produced by Orson Welles, defies the conventional style of classic Hollywood films. The film introduced a variety of radical techniques and cinematography way ahead of its time such as shadowing and deep focus. Told through the memories of his associates in a flashback form, Citizen Kane follows an idealistic man with principles Charles Foster Kane, played by Orson Welles, who becomes changed and misguided by wealth and what accompanies wealth. Through the story telling of Kane 's life, we are able to see how wealth changes, not only Kane 's ideals, but his actions and how he perceives the world. Through his choice of shadowing, deep focus, and wardrobe, Orson Wells portrays the transformation of Charles Foster Kane …show more content…

Kane repels his first wife, Emily Monroe Norton, when she discovers her husband`s infidelity. Despite his wife leaving him, Kane still felt powerful and important despite being caught in a scandal which is shown as Charles Kane appears larger on the screen compared to Emily Norton and political Boss James Gettys. In order to save face, Kane marries Susan Alexander, with whom he had the affair, and forces her to become a singer. Kane and Alexander`s relationship declines steadily, however, as Kane taints Susan`s youthful innocence as shows in the scene when Susan is overwhelmed by the pressure of being a singer and cannot handle the critics. As a result, Kane, in the shadow, looks down and says “you will continue to your singing,” to a trembling Susan Alexander in white light. The stark contrast between Kane`s shadowed face and dark tux and Susan`s bright face and fancy dress shows that Kane will eventually ward off Susan since she will not be able to handle his darkness. Susan eventually leaves Charles because she felt lonely even when having numerous guests. As Susan walks out the door, Kane trashes their room. Kane knows that it is all over for him- he has lost everything. Susan`s room is full of things that represent his wealth, and he knows that material objects could never add up to a loving relationship. Kane is therefore left in his Gothic palace Xanadu, whose loneliness and grandeur represents Kane`s own life. Kane 's wealth isolates him from others throughout the years, and his life ends in loneliness at Xanadu. He dies surrounded only by his possessions, poor substitutions for true

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