Circles Of For-Ness Analysis

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This week’s reading assignment deals with circles of sufficiency. Willard describes these circles as assurance of others being for us. He indicates “When the required type of “for-ness” is adequately present, human “circles of sufficiency” emerge” (Willard, 2012, pg. 179). My intention with this paper is to discuss such circles in my own life and their impact.
Genesis 2:18 tells us a very important fact about humanity. It indicates that God recognized that “It is not good that the man should be alone” (English Standard Version). While in this specific situation, God was talking about Adam specifically, God created us as social beings. In order for us to be happy, we need to have people around us who love us and are in our corner. Having others around you is not just important for the sake of your mental health, Proverbs 27:17 tells us “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” (ESV). Having …show more content…

That of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit” (Willard, 2012, pg 180). Our circle was very Christ centered, unfortunately, even if you are centered on Christ, the devil can begin to bring division if you are not on guard to stop him. The leader of the life group went on a mission trip overseas. When she returned, she suddenly felt that she did not need church in order to be a Christian, her and her family completely cut ties with us. We tried moving life group to another location, but slowly people who consistently came before stopped being consistent. Our game nights started becoming once every other month and then went away all together. Eventually several of the people in the group became offended for one reason or another and left for other churches to meet their needs. No matter how tight knit a group, it takes the devil getting his claws on one person to tear it all apart in some

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