Reflection Paper: We Are Blessed As Children Of God

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We are blessed as children of God to have the gift of agency for ourselves. One of the hardest realizations in life is that we don’t get to make decisions for others because they are given that same agency. Growing up, my brother Chantz has always struggled with attending church and accepting the gospel standards by which we live. This has been a hard trial for my parents, my siblings, and me as we want the best for him. After moving to college, where the ultimate test of our agency exists, he became inactive and started researching difficult gospel topics, doctrine, and principles. Most recently, he feels the need to retaliate against the Church, which has sparked long family conversations and arguments. With spiritual inspiration from recent …show more content…

I loved my ability to attentively listen to what the Spirit was revealing to me about my brother and this situation based on Christ’s example, and he has been on my mind ever since. I first began my study by praying, reading Luke 15, and reviewing my notes from that specific lecture. I then thought there must be a general conference talk on this topic, so I checked for answers to my question. I came upon many primary lessons and videos that were designed to teach about the three parables. Additionally, I found a few general conference talks that gave me hope on this very issue. I trusted the scriptures and the words of the apostles I read because I believe in them. Even talks that were given 30 years ago still apply to my concerns today. I have a strong testimony of the scriptures and the words of the apostles and general authorities because I know they are ordained by God to help us through our trials with their words. With this knowledge and testimony, I was easily trusting as I searched for …show more content…

I searched and found Lesson 19 in the Primary Handbook that asked multiple questions about the prodigal son parable. This source, along with a video titled “The Prodigal Son,” helped me better understand the story behind the parable. Additionally, Joseph B. Wirthlin of the First Quorum of the Seventy highlighted the way to approach inactive members by saying, “We must use kindness, patience, long-suffering, love, faith, and diligence. They must feel our genuine concern and untiring love.” The phrase “untiring love” has stuck with me because that has been my own realization through thoughtful prayer. I must love my brother no matter what. Likewise, President Boyd K. Packer’s comforting words in his talk “Strengthening the Less Active” helped my perspective of my role as Chantz’s sister. He encouraged us to keep our standards but not block the way for inactive members to come back by saying, “More lost sheep will respond quicker to high standards than they will to low ones. There is therapeutic value in spiritual discipline… All of us who lead in the wards and stakes must open the door to the lost sheep; stand aside to let them through. We must learn not to block the entrance.” It is important for me to live the gospel to the

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