Christianity in Northern Africa

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Christianity in Africa is not a recent happening nor is it a product of colonialism if we go back to the very time of the apostle. Christianity in most area was confronted during the centuries after the struggle by Islam, the Christian religion suffered in some measure, but did not disappear. Christianity has been flourishing on the northern part of this continent for years before Islam was born. Christianity in North African seemed to have been well founded deeply entrenched and firmly led.

The question then to ask is why then did Christianity died from North Africa when Islam made it great advance during the centuries? Was there something unique about North Africa? Did the Muslims use a different technique in North Africa than they did in other areas which they invaded? An overview of this assignment will give the dead of Christianity from North Africa finding it primary and most decisive cause in a unique form.


Even though the European worlds have tried to claim Christianity as their religion, the teachings of Christianity are of universal application. Musa A.B Gaiya noted that, “There is strength in the Christian present in Africa they first dates from the apostolic period. It first entered Egypt and quickly spread to other [part of North Africa, namely Ethiopia, Nubia, and Maghreb area. These means Christianity was indigenized since Africa were themselves instrumental in the spread of the gospel” this has made Christianity not to be considered as a foreign religion. “Historically Christianity was thriving in Africa long before it reach American and British where most of the protestant missionaries come from. We can therefore call Christianity an Africa religion” . We may there...

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...a, yet it has survived and is still surviving as an oppressed


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Gaiya Musa A.B. Christianity In Africa’s Study In The Christian Presence In Africa Up To 1900. Jos: Ade

Printing Press, 2002.

Isichei Elizabeth. A History of Christianity in Africa. London: SPCK, 1995.

Oden Thomas C. How Africa Shape the Christian Mind. Illinois: IVP Books, 2007.

Shawn Mark. The Kingdom of God in Africa:: A Short History of Africa Christianity,(Grand Rapids: Baker

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