Christian Beliefs on Discrimination and Prejudice

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Christian Beliefs on Discrimination and Prejudice

Most Christians agree that discrimination and prejudice are wrong.

Both the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England have similar

views on racism but slightly differing views on sexism and women in

the church.

Text Box: Racism /’reısı(ə)m/ n. 1 a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities. And that racial difference produces an inherent superiority of a particular race. 2 racial prejudices or discrimination. □□racist n. & adj.The

definition of racism is

___This part means that race is the thing that influences who we are

the most, not personality etc.

___This part means that racial differences produce a built in

superiority of a particular race and that you are born better than

others and race alone can make someone more important than others.

The definition of sexism is

Text Box: Sexism /’seksız(ə)m/ n. prejudice or discrimination, esp. against women, on the grounds of sex. □□sexist n. & adj.


The Bible says many things that Christians can use to understand

equality in the world.

Genesis 1:27 “He created man in his image, in His image He created

man, man and woman, He created them”

This is significant because the Bible doesnÂ’t specify that god only

created a particular race in his image and other races in some other

image, but rather just ‘man’. Also, the Bible says that both man and

woman were created in His image, and therefore are equal.

Leviticus 19:33-34 “when an alien lives with you in your land, do not

ill treat him. The alien living with you must be treated as one of

your native bo...

... middle of paper ...

...isciples were men. Women are also much better at

the caring side of being a priest.

The letters from Paul to the church in Corinth and to his friend,

Timothy, need to be read in context. The situation in Corinth was very

different to our society today and the Corinthians needed strict rules

to ring them from a life of sin to a life with God.

The Church of England, Methodist and United Reformed Churches allow

female priests. In 1992, the Church of EnglandÂ’s General Synod allowed

female ordination, which caused some Church of England churches to

join the Catholic Church.


My conclusion from this is that, generally, Christians believe that

prejudice and discrimination is wrong and the Roman Catholic Church

supports their sexism in the church by saying that men and women are

equal but different.

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