Chris Gardner's Decisions

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In the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner makes several decisions to determine the fate of him and his son. Gardner makes both small and large decisions in which for some he takes a long period to think about and others he is quick to decide. Sometimes due to his brief thinking, he makes a bad decision, whereas when he takes more time to plan out his options, Gardner tends to end up with a better outcome. A few examples of his decisions are when he leaves his Bone Density Scanner with a street performer, when he leaves his machine behind while escaping a cab driver, and finally the most important decision, when he chooses to take the internship. Towards the beginning of the movie, Chris Gardner applies for an internship at Dean Witter Reynolds, a stock brokerage. On his way into the office building he realizes he cannot take in his Bone Density Scanner and makes a spur of the moment decision to leave it with a random street performer that he has never met. This is a bad, not thought out plan, …show more content…

He impresses him by solving a rubik’s cube in front of him, only to soon discover that he will not be able to pay the driver for the ride. He jumps out of the car and runs to the subway station and barely makes it on the subway. Finally, he has to drop the Bone Density Scanner in order to escape. He thinks about it slightly, and overall this was probably the best decision. This has a medium impact on his life, because he cannot pay that $17 back, but he also lost a $250 dollar machine. An example of a medium decision I have made was to join FCCLA. It is a school club that stands for Family Career and Community Leaders of America. I did not think about this decision too much, and I just decided to be in the club because one of my friends were. It ended up being the right decision and has impacted my life. I have made new friends and done things to help within my

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