Choose an extract from the film you have been studying and write an analytical essay exploring how the director has used a range of cinematic tech...

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A movie is a set of images that tells us a story. The reason for them being so popular is because they allow us to escape from our ordinary lives into a completely different setting. Filmmakers use a range of cinematic techniques to build tension and engage the audience. Using the opening scene of Star Wars, I am going to analyse how George Lucas has used camera angles and movement; costume; lighting and special effects; music and sound effects and shot length in order to do so.

To begin with, by starting off the movie with “A long time ago in a galaxy far far away…” immediately captivates the viewers’ attention. The phrase creates the atmosphere of a fairy tale because “far far away” is usually associated with this genre. However, it also tells us that it is a sci-fi movie by using the word “galaxy”. There is an oxymoron in the phrase as it’s written in the past tense yet it is set in a futuristic scene.

The crawl sequence is also a very energetic way of capturing the audiences’ attention. The crawl acts as a prologue by providing the viewers with a background of the story yet without revealing too much information. The use of a low angle shot is effective as it gives off the illusion of the words disappearing deep into space. Lastly, there is intensity and excitement in the music playing therefore it creates a very heroic sound and gives a positive outlook towards what may happen in the film.

The first frame in the film is a panoramic shot of outer space. The camera pans down to allow give a clear view of the three planets and has a still image for a few seconds. By having this at the start of the film, it gives the audience a brief idea of the size of space and it also shows us where the story is set. Then, spaceships ent...

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...the fact that the two sides hated each other. For example, the Marshals have inadequate armour and weapons whereas the storm troopers are the heavily protected. Also, the marshals don’t have masks to cover their faces. This gives off a sense of openness and freedom unlike the Storm troopers who come across as secretive and private.

In conclusion, the opening scene of Star Wars is very interesting especially as it was created in the late 1970s. The suspense and anxiety created is built slowly over a short period of time however, it still manages to encapsulate the audience. The fact that the opening is so action-packed helps in reeling people in. Overall, George Lucas has used a vast range of cinematic techniques and has successfully managed to build tension and still continues to engage an audience 37 years after releasing the movie.

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Star Wars movie

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