Children In Toni Morrison's God Help The Child

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The adults we see now that are happy and succeeding in life may have not always been happy growing up, some go through some pretty traumatic events at a young age with either seeing someone they knew be abused or die. Not only that but some grow up with rough parents that were not supportive and were often neglected by the parents. In the book God Help the Child by Toni Morrison, the main character Bride grew up with a tough mother, sweetness. Sweetness gave her a hard time from the day she was born about the way she looked, her skin color, and always questioned her appearance on why she was so different. As well as her husband, Booker who went through a lot of trauma as a child, teen, and even an adult. However I don’t think growing up with …show more content…

They might say this does affect them because they can grow up with disorders or behavior problems. Allen et al explains they can result in behavior problems like depression, anxiety, stress disorder, and lowered school performance (Allen 324). For these reasons some may agree with the fact that this does impact the child in a negative way because of all the disorders and since the children are so young, they believe it will impact them. People may say a bad childhood impacts a child negatively, but I think it depends if the child lets it affect them. Others may argue because of the way the child is spoken to, it will leave the child traumatized and affect them in many other ways. Bride mom, Sweetness always said rude things to her own all because of her skin color, she said things like: “But I couldn’t do that no matter how much I wished she wasn’t born with that terrible color. I even thought of giving her to an orphanage.” (Morrison 5). The things parents say some believe would leave a child negatively impacted or traumatized since the parents are speaking them to this way. The children are so young and many believe they should not be hearing this from their own parents at such a young age. However everyday children come out of rough neighborhoods and most of the time they make the best of it and turn their life around, even while being neglected by their parents. And although people still believe it affects them negatively, but I don’t agree there are people who make it positive and live there life the best they can. While this may be true I just think it depends on how the child itself lets them impact themselves. The child has the decision because it is their life and they can push themselves to do better, if they do not want to live that lifestyle. Therefore I don’t agree that growing up with a hard life impacts the child negatively, since it is one’s decision to make on how

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