Child Labor Is Wrong Essay

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Child labor is a cruel and disheartening practice. Kids even under ten years of age have been required to work for companies who are too stuck up to worry about the health and childhood of their employees. We should not buy and/or take part in any organizations that use child labor. Child labor is wrong and should not be supported and/or practiced by companies. Some reasons for this is that is is bad for the child’s health, it robs the kids of their childhood, and the companies are taking advantage of how cheap and easy it is for children to work. Child labor can be extremely hazardous to a child’s health. The working conditions in some factories can be dangerous to even adults, but when we bring children into the picture, it can intensity that danger. Work related risk include: rapid skeletal growth, higher chemical absorption rates, and greater need for food and rest. Two hundred seven million lives are taken do to child labor, chiefly in agricultural organizations. For example, when children work in coal mines their lungs fill up with dust from their air, making them get very sick and could result in death. The reason that a work …show more content…

The majority of child labourers are kept away from the achievement of success. Many of them are denied a childhood, adequate nutrition, proper family, and home. A sadly-astonishing fact we found was that 1.8 million children labourers have been forced into prostitution, this can rip the childhood meant for them in a way that was never meant for them to experience at such an age. Another way that working can affect a child's life is that their social skills are affected. Being in the working environment as long as they are, divests them from interaction with people. Without the skill of social interaction, their life can be thrown off its tracks. All these things are due to the fact that these children are being made to work at an unreasonably young

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