Poverty And Child Labor In The United States

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218 million children ages 5-17 are involved in child labor worldwide. Doesn’t that concern you? Child labor is work, seen as abusive, explosive, hazardous or harmful performed by children under the age of 18. Mainly children who live in developing countries are involved in child labor. Many countries have poverty, which is one cause of child labor. Poor families rely on their kids to help out, and do work, to make money. Many companies hire kids because its low pay and they’re easy to manage. Foreign manufacturers set up local businesses in other countries to loom for cheap and non-unionized labor. These people end up o be the poor families. Many countries have poverty so the kids work to support their family.
Thesis: Child Labor is …show more content…

There is poverty all over the world especially in developing countries. Poverty is “the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor.” When a family lives poverty the parents have no choice, but to have their children work to help support the family. Many parents are forced to send their child to work instead of school because they can’t afford an education. Poverty all over the world is causing child labor and is responsible for it. Another factor who is to be blamed is the government. The government needs to do a better job at making and enforcing laws. With these laws, child labor would decrease. One thing the government can do to help eliminate child labor is provide some compensation to poor parents, so their child can have an education. It is the government's responsibility to provide all children with an education and to prevent child labor. The government and poverty are blamed for child …show more content…

In 2006 about 75 million kids did not have an education. Children who do not receive and education and work all day, do not learn the appropriate cognitive skills. Their lack of education means that later in life they will not be able to find a good job. Another factor of how psychological issues impact children is their social life. When children work all day they do not learn to interact with other children. This factor can also impact their education because they are more likely to perform poorly. Many children do not have friends, their friends are their family. When a child has no friends, they are not able to build a relationship with someone their own age. This causes insecure adults and emotional problems. Many of the conditions and occupations lead to emotional problems. Children are often isolated or have no friends which can lead to depression. With these problems children do not develop the right emotions as they grow up. Child labor is causing psychological problems, not letting the children grow up

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