Child Development Observation

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2.0 Child’s Development Observation Observation in children’s early years of developments is very important as it helps to monitor the child’s progress. Seefeldt(1990), an expert in children early education maintained that observation is the the most effective method to evaluate a child’s developments. Observation is also consider the oldest method commonly used till today. Observations are carried out to determine a child’s strength and weakness in communication skills, motor skills, social skills and their ability to solve problems. (Hobart &Frankel, 1994). Observing children performing an activity, either through independent play or group play, teachers can gather information about their interest, understand their personalities and behaviours. Moreover, by using checklist their level of achievement in terms of language aquisition and also developing certain skills can also be assessed. Observation helps to ensure that chidren meet their development milestones. Developmental milestones acts as rough guide to check children development are on track for their age. Child development observation is helpful to detect any early hiccups in development. Early detection will help to minimize the impact on children’s skills and behaviours …show more content…

Physical skilsl can be classified into gross motor and fine motor skills. Motor skills development refer to progress of muscular movements both involving large muscles and smaller muscles and its ability to control movements. Rohani Abdullah (2001), described some of the physical developement milestone of a child age 5-7 years for gross motors skills were ability to use a bat and ball; climbs well; very agile; balances well and fine motor skills as having good pencil control; able to threads with a large needle and sews simple stiches, draws well and handwriting more becoming like

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