Chewing Log

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I wish my behavior were being on Facebook all the time, or Instagram, as they are easy to remove by just uninstalling the app. Although, I understand that loosing pictures and followers can be awful for people that have those apps. I do not have them anymore as I do not have time for that, and I have I would rather spend it watching a movie or a TV show, or even reading a book. Chewing gum looks like a simple behavior I had to stop. However, when I remember the pain it used to caused, it does not look that simple anymore. If I had to wait for the pain to stop, then my behavior was not that simple. Yoga has been helping me as I am going every week. It helps physically and mentally. I think exercise and breathing exercises help us feel strong and confident to face the world. This applies to when I am walking somewhere, I feel confident now and not because I am chewing gum as I used to before this exercise. I …show more content…

Some thoughts still come sometimes when I am at work. I may have associated the chewing behavior with work, sitting on my desk and having the smell of it at the same time. Maybe I should start bringing some snacks, such as fruit or yogurt and eat it while sitting on my desk while working. This can be a way of creating a new association (with smells and flavors) but this time it will be a healthy one. Especially because I never eat fruit, although I like a variety of them. I will try to buy some at the market and see if it works. I enjoy thinking of ways to make my life better, without stressing out about it. Writing here actually helps me come up with these ideas, that is why I enjoy doing this exercise. It is also better to spend money on healthy food than on gum, so that is another benefit of abstaining from chewing it. I will try to be consistent with the idea of eating healthy snacks in my

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