Would chewing gum help improve students focus and memory? Chewing gum can help you concentrate and improves your test scores.Dentists recommends patients to chew sugar-free gum. I think students should be allowed to chew gum in school. First, chewing gum helps students learn, focus and improves memory. Chewing gum can help you stay on task longer. Chewing gum boosts mental performance. Studies shows that students who chew gum during tests show improvement to those who don’t chew gum at all. Second, many dentists encourage people to chew sugar-free gum. Sugar-free gum can help prevent plaque and cavities. It can help improve oral health like removing most of the bacteria and make your breath smell good. Also, it helps increases the flow of
For those that have bad habits with cigarettes, Tobacco Cessation Counseling is available. Cigarettes cause tooth loss, rotting, and surface stains; hygienist make sure to pass this information to the patient and help them to understand that quitting is the best option if they want to keep their teeth. As said before, a hygienist informs the patient on what foods to avoid. Nutritional Counseling is provided if a hygienist believes there is danger with a patients teeth such as diseases. (Dental Hygiene Clinic) Any foods with high acidity is something a dental hygienist would recommend avoiding. For example, apples, hard candies, popcorn, diet sodas, and salad dressing. Enamel is the hardest structure in the human body. It’s even harder than bones. When the enamel is exposed to acid, it wears down and erodes. This is how tooth erosion and decay happens. They will educate the patient with what foods to replace the bad ones with. Although, a dentist is who performs the restorations, a hygienist can still inform what will happen. Because of the fact that hygienists usually see patients before the dentist, they will give feedback to the dentist and recommend restorations in the mouth. They specialize in providing clinical and educational services (Sealy Dental Center) so they are very useful to dentists. When a patient has missing, chipped, or sharpened teeth, a restoration is done to replace the originals. Some examples
Students will have improved memory if they chew gum in
Ok let’s talk about flossing. Flossing also helps to remove the plaque that forms on your teeth, it removes the plaque from the areas where the toothbrush cannot reach, and this areas are along the gum line and between your teeth. And as I already said, if we do not remove this plaque, guess what, we will end up with decay and infected gums.
The peppermint works because when the scent of the peppermint increases oxygen, and blood pressure. Blood brings oxygen to the brain, and if peppermint increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. It then will increase blood pressure, that means the more oxygen traveling to your brain. The more oxygen the brain recieves or is available tothe better you can concentrate and focus. Taste of peppermint can greatly improve memory and can work faster. Smell of peppermint slightly improves memory.
One thing that is beneficial from gum is that it can help you focus. According to pressdemocrat.com, it states “Chewing gum helps your memory improve and it also helps you focus while you’re studying” (Norvell 1).This shows that when your chewing gum not only are you improving your memory you’re focusing on studying more easily. Also according to pressdemocrat.com, it states “Gum has been scientifically proven to help kids focus better and to improve their memory” (Norvell 1). This shows that even scientist
Children are often sweet and adorable, but many times they may be eating too many sweets. According to the Channel Four News, it has been shown that the number one disease in children is the reoccurrence of caries, also known as cavities. Could it be too many sweets or could it be the lack of flossing and brushing teeth? For instance, many children go to bed or wake up without brushing their teeth and go throughout the day eating all sorts of food and candy. The result of eating and not brushing could lead to plaque build up and decaying of teeth. This leaves a child extremely unhappy and in excruciating pain. So who is going to fix this pain? Who is going to help prevent decay in millions of people’s mouths? Today, the world is lucky to have a well-studied field of dentistry.. Dentistry has much history, various specialties, advancements, and an irresistible salary.
What if there was something you could take to help you get better grades, study confidently and remember more information? There are, they are known as Nootropics. Nootropics, also referred at as ‘smart drugs’, are medications that stimulate one’s cognitive abilities. These medications include; Piracetam, Aniracetam, Sunifiram(being amongst the most popular) and many others. Though these drugs do enhance one’s abilities, this is not what they were originally intended for. “Smart drugs” were originally medications prescribed to people with certain types of disorders, such as; ADHD, ADD, narcolepsy, etc. As time has progressed students have found these prescription drugs helpful in their busy college life. Though these
Elevated glucose levels assist the harmful bacterias, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola, by providing the substance necessary to produce the acid that combines with our saliva to form the soft, sticky film referred to as plaque. In addition, plaque is created when we eat foods containing starches or sugars.
Students study and do work in different ways. For example, some may prefer to practice flashcards, while another might prefer to create pneumonic devices. One common study aid is to listen to music. One would assume that music would act as a great distractor to the learning process, yet it continues to be a popular way to study. In fact, a common belief is that the music increases focus and eliminates distracting background sounds. However, music’s impact on memory, as opposed to attention and focus, is usually not considered. How does the background presence of auditory stimuli, specifically music, influence memory? One aspect of music that makes it unique is its immediate familiarity and ease to which it can be remembered and engaged with. How does one’s familiarity with the music impact their ability to study? Also how does the complexity of the music impact memory?
A healthy mouth not only facilitates nutrition of the physical body, but it also develops confidence and sensation of health. Oral conditions effect the general health and disease. Oral hygiene prevents bad breathe, gum diseases and tooth decay. Dentists can diagnose and treat oral affliction at the initial level. This help adults and children to maintain excellent dental health during their lifetime.
Just like with any other health considerations, eating healthy food is a requirement even for a good set of teeth. The one thing that you have probably learned since childhood is to limit your sugar intake. So stay away eating too much candies, donuts, junk food, and similar food stuff if you want a healthy mouth, not just teeth.
Previous research states that consumption of chocolate improves memory. My research report will attempt to prove that this hypothesis has some truth in it. It is a common wish for many people to ensure that their memory is up to date in order to perform various activities. Consider a student who is about to take a final test and ends up forgetting what he/she has been revising consistently over the past few days. More so, consider a person who is about to take an interview for a life time job opportunity only to end up getting memory lapses when asked some questions. According to recent researches by Jones and Wilson (2011), it is believed that in order to improve your memory, one need to consume chocolate regularly. Another research by Wong, Hideki, Anderson, and Skaarsgard (2009), it was seen that women performed better in memory tests than men after consuming chocolate.
Fruit aids the brain in functioning to the best of its ability. Fruit contains natural sugars that most food does not have. The natural sugars help the brain function faster and recall information. Studies have been done that show that eating fruit helps improve exam scores because of these natural sugars. Fruit takes less energy to digest and consume than some brain blocker foods such as white flour, and proteins and starches consumed together. In order to have enough energy to digest the food, blood rushes away from the brain and towards the abdomen inhibiting ...
However, tooth brushing is to prevent bleeding gums rather than tooth decay. It indicates that some of the oral knowledge is lacked in students. More oral health education may be needed to teach correct knowledge of
Excellent oral health includes keeping teeth healthy and looking their best (Dr.Roma M MDS – Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics KMC Hospital). This can be achieved by following the correct techniques, following a dentist’s orders, and plenty of other important rules (Edwards). Maintaining healthy teeth by following proper oral care comes with benefits for a lifetime such as a healthier mouth and prevention of oral problems.