Chemotherapy Argumentative Essay

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Brittney Snowden
Professor Grimes
ENGL. 1301. I03
4 June 2018
Chemotherapy, Is there anything good about it?
Chemotherapy, also referred to as chemo, is well known for its unpleasant side effects. You almost never hear about the positive outcomes of the matter, but before I dive into that let me first tell you what Chemotherapy is. Chemotherapy is a widely used treatment for cancer. The term chemo refers to the drugs that prevent cancer cells from dividing and growing. It does this by killing the dividing cells. Depending on the individual and the stage of the cancer, chemotherapy can eliminate cancer cells or bring about a long-term remission of symptoms. Earlier stages tend to have a better outcome while the later stages of cancer are more …show more content…

Some of the cons of chemotherapy are worse thant the actual cancer itself. 1. Chemotherapy may be inafective for some, 2. The physical side effects are but not limited to; nausea, vomiting, alopecia or hairloss, which can be extremely psychological especially for female patients. Hearing impairment, can be temporary and some times permanent, Loss of appetite which is concerning especially with the vomiting. Low white blood cell count can cause a patient to be suceptable to infections more easily and The most common side affect is fatigue. Other cons include 3. Chemo is not available everywhere so some patients will have to travel long distances and some may not be able to receive treatment at all. 4. Discomfort is a donside to treatment. It is difficult to define or explain this discomfort because people experience it differently. Some people feel uncomfortable, they don’t like to lie down, sitting may not be convenient and one may not like anything around. Some people feel nauseous, vomiting tendency is very common and one may even struggle to breathe. There are medications that can control or reduce the severity of such symptoms. Some people can get complete relief from such symptoms with the help of prescribed medications but these side effects are common and it is rare for someone to not experience them at

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