Check Against Delivery Speech Analysis

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In Malala Yousafzai’s speech titled Check Against Delivery, she states, “I raise up my voice – not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard”. People all around the world are currently working in unimaginable conditions, creating products for companies and not even earning enough to live with basic needs. As Renato Kizito Sesana explains in the article entitled Exercise Your Moral Judgement Through the Way You Buy, the government and many companies are continually selling products to the American citizens made from people who don’t even have basic human rights. People should have an impact on slave labor issues, take corrective action to fix it, and realize that the government and many companies take advantage of people in order to make a profit. Acknowledging the United States Government's low moral standards is sickening to think about. It’s a common moral …show more content…

The fact that that the United States Government disregards basic human rights to make easy money not only affects those working, but it affects our entire country’s morality and thoughts as well. The more the government participates in these atrocious acts of vile labor, the more normal it becomes in society. People continue to buy products made in these horrific conditions, even if they know what actually went into making the items. Money overrules the wealthy’s standards, which Sesana explains when writing, “The desire for profit and the appeal for a “healthy economy” has led many companies and governments to put aside the necessary moral responsibilities in the age of the global market”. By standing by and not letting people even receive respect to basic rights, humanity has lost all decency. Any government or company that dismisses labor laws and human rights should immediately appall humankind. Basic human rights are a necessity, and the issue with allowing the government and companies to

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