Characteristics Of Cyber Bullying

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Bullying is a common behavior, which many people face. Bullying can occur in person, or online; cyber bullying. Bullies and victims both portray certain characteristics. Bullying can affects a person’s psychological functioning, confidence and academic achievements. But with plans of actions a counselor can interfere and assist the victim and bully.
“Bullying is a specific subset of hostile aggression in which (1) there is an imbalance of power with a more powerful person or group attacking a less powerful one, (2) the behavior is intended to disturb or harm, and (3) the behavior occurs repeatedly over time. The aggressive behavior may be verbal (e.g., threats, name-calling), psychological (e.g., exclusion, rumors), or physical (e.g., hitting, kicking). Bullying can be done directly in the classroom, hallway, or playground or indirectly and anonymously through e-mail messages and other Internet social networks. The power differential may be psychological or physical” (McWhirter, 2013, p. 299). Anyone can be a bully or victim. However, bullying is considered more common for adolescents. Due to the advancement in technology cyber bullying has also become common. However, cyber bullying can occur between people with little to no interaction with each other.
Characteristics of Bullies and Victims
There are commonly known characteristics …show more content…

Both bullies and victims has characteristics. Bullies lack empathy for others, are considered hostile, or may have been abused. The victims are passive, insecure, or sensitive. But bullying is a vicious cycle; a lot of the bullies were once victims themselves, so their current victim may turn into a bully, as well. Bullying can affect an individual’s psychological functioning or their academics. It can cause depression and suicidal thoughts or actions. But with an action plan implemented and laws on cyber bullying, bullying can decrease and victims and bullies can be

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