Character Analysis: Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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Sir Gawain is the main character of the story “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” He is considered one of the greatest knights and supposedly shows a humble attitude. Sir Gawain is not perfect, he is human and makes very human mistakes. He is not the worst knight of the round table but he also cannot be described as the best knight there. Ultimately, Sir Gawain is very worthy of his seat at the round table. Furthermore, in the story of the Green Knight, the Green Knight proposes a game to test the knights’ courageousness. The game is that one of the knights has to cut the Green Knight’s head off with an axe if, in return he can also cut off their head in exactly a year and a day. Since no one steps up to take the challenge Arthur himself decides to do it. Seeing this Sir Gawain takes decides to play the game saving Arthur’s life. This shows that Gawain is loyal to his king and he would give his life in order to save Arthur’s.
Later in the story of the Green Knight when it comes time for Gawain to pay the prices of playing the game he …show more content…

He proves more than once that he has earned his spot at the Round Table. He always admits to his mistakes and has openly repented for what few and understandable mistakes he has made. In his case all the good he has done outweighs the bad. Gawain, ultimately is worthy of his seat.

Works Cited
Shmoop Editorial Team. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Summary.” Shmoop, Shmoop University, 11 Nov. 2008,
Parfitt, Georgina. "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Lines 1-490." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 3 Sep 2013. Web. 3 Jan 2018.
“Sir Gawaine.” King Arthur & The Knights of the Round Table,
Joe, Jimmy. “Timeless Myths- Sir Gawain.” Sir Gawain, 16 Dec. 2001,
“Gawain Legendary Knight.” Encyclopaedia Britannica,

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