Changing School Essay

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In my family “the first day of school” was considered a very big event and in the early days it involved a crisp new uniform along with all the usual new school supplies. My mother had a traditional Catholic education and she wanted to make sure the children in our family did as well. Beginning in kindergarten, I attended school with the same group of kids. We knew what to expect from our older siblings in most cases, from how we would be taught, and of course, how to live within the school dress codes. However, this all changed when I decided to change schools and go from a very conservative private school to a public middle school. This meant a whole new environment and other changes that I had to adapt to such as making a whole new group of friends, and not having to wear a uniform every day. I first decided to change schools while I was hanging out with one of my best friends and neighbor, Heidi, who was already going to a public elementary school. She would tell me all about public school and how she loved it. So when it was …show more content…

Public school was always having assemblies and pep rally’s to get people excited about the sports games and other fun events the school was going to have. On the other hand private school had assemblies that were either a guest speaker or a information session about events the school was going to have. I think experiencing both private school and public school had a lot of benefits in the long run. It allowed for me to get two different perspectives in how the education systems are run and really help shape my viewpoints and overall values. Although it was a difficult adjustment at first I don’t think I would be the person I am today if I hadn’t decided to make that change. Looking back I might have changed a few things here and there but overall I’m glad I decided to make the change and go from a very conservative private school to a public

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