Change Management

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Change Management

Change is not something to be taken lightly. "This issue of change is one of the greatest challenges in the workplace today" (Fralix, P., 1998). One of the pitfalls of change within an organization is employees' fear of what change will bring. Will implementing new technologies destroy my job? Will I be able to keep up with the changes in my organization? These are some of the questions that bring about employee apprehension to changes in business. This very apprehension can determine the success or the failure of change within that system. Yet change is inevitable. Much like the Darwinian theory of survival, the company that can adapt with changes in emerging technologies will survive in today's society. So how does a company adapt to changes? The company employs change management strategies in their business. What is Change Management? Why is it important for Instructional Technologists to use change management when introducing new innovations to the organization? In this paper I will define change management, discuss some positive strategies to change management. I will also point out why it is important for Instructional Technologists to use positive change management strategies.

Change Management

Changes, that makes the strain. Changes…

David Bowe

What is Change Management? In the EBSCO Business Search there were one hundred and eighty three articles on this very topic. Obviously this is a hot topic in Management and Business journals, yet only one article offered a definition of what change management is. In the article, "Global trends in Managing Change" Lisa Kudray and Brian Kleiner offer this definition,

Change Management is defined as the continuous process of aligning an organi...

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...r) Top-down leadership critical to change issue. Triangle Business

Journal, (14) 2, 21. Retrieved October 28, 1999 from EBSCO business search on Galileo:

Goldwasser, C. & Schneider D. ( 1998, March). Be a model leader of change. Management

Review, (87) 3 , 41-46.. Retrieved October 28, 1999 from EBSCO business search on Galileo:

Hofman, D. & Orlikowski, W. ( 1997, Winter). An improvisational model for change

Management: The case of GroupWare technologies. Sloan Management Review,(38) 2 , 11-22. Retrieved October 28, 1999 from EBSCO business search on Galileo:

Kleiner, B. & Kudray, L (1997, May/June). Global trends in managing change. Industrial

Management, (39) 3, 18-21. Retrieved October 28, 1999 from EBSCO business search on Galileo:

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