Chanel's Little Black Dress

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Many people would argue that Coco Chanel was one of the most influential designers of her time, let alone ever. Many designers use her designs as inspiration and many of their strategies echo hers. The reason she was so successful was due to her ambition, determination and a striving need for fame and because of this her designs are considered to be the epitome of the 20's style because her work was so fresh, chic, and modern. Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel was born on the 19th of August 1883. She was a French fashion designer whose modernist philosophy, pursuit of expensive simplicity and menswear-inspired fashions made her one of the most influential designers ever. She brought the fabrics and comfort of menswear to women’s style which freed ladies from clothing that constrained them. She catered to women of all body types, slim or heavy and made her clothes so that women could cross their arms, play golf or even bend over to tie their shoes. Chanel liked men and her collections and numerous affairs are proof of this. She never forgot that it was men who inspired her sensationally succe...

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