Censorship In Sport Essay

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Queensland Golf School of Excellence - Sponsorship
Australians pride themselves on their sporting prowess and success and like to think of themselves as sports obsessives. Sport has long played an important social and cultural role in Australia, providing a form of social cement which binds communities and creates broader imagined communities. The commodification of sports has transformed the way in which sociological ideologies within contemporary culture influence involvement in sport. Commodification is the process of turning something, such as sport, into something that has commercial value, this can be described further as the process of developing sport into a marketable business used to make money, to buy or sell, through promotion. Sport is used as a tool by people to acquire prestige and profit. In recent times, mass media has elevated sport into big business.
Sponsorship is an essential part in both amateur and professional sport, and plays a crucial role in commodification of Australian sport. Sponsorship can provide grounds/stadiums, clothing, equipment, accommodation, transport and competitions for sports teams, events or individuals in exchange for some specific return; such as advertising, image, scholarships, tax/hospitality and charities.
Decisions to participate in sport are affected by socio-cultural influences such as our history, our values, the media and the allocation of sports funding. Two concepts that are important to sociology are the closely linked ideas of equity and access. Equity is studied to determine whether resources are distributed fairly to all members of a society. Sociologists also study whether all individuals within a society have access to resources or whether barriers or obstacles are in ...

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• Email updates on athletes achievements/personal stories
• Invitation as an honorary guest to the Kelvin Grove State College Excellence Awards Night
• Company Logo on the Golf Excellence Website
• Invited to the annual Kelvin Grove State College sponsors golf day as well as Corporate golf days
• Company Logo on the bus of the Golf Excellence which is in constant use
• Company Logo embroided on Excellence bags, 1/5 of the polo shirt

Each Sponsor has the opportunity to capitalise on the potential market that the Kelvin Grove State College (Golf School of Excellence) can provide. A sponsorship package will affiliate your company’s name with the Excellence program and also Golf Queensland. A major benefit obtained by this proposal is that your company’s name will be seen by a large audience including both the golfing and Kelvin Grove School community.

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