Celebral Palsy

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Celebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy is a condition that affects thousands of infants each year. Though not contagious it does seem to be a mild epidemic. The condition is a paralysis of the brain, causing limited movement, speaking ability, or muscle control for the afflicted child. In most cases the brain is unable to relay the information required for movement. A permanent brain injury that occurs before, during or shortly after birth. Though once the injury has occurred it will not progress to a worse state. Unfortunately there currently isn't any form of cure though treatments will be covered later on. Some of the most prominent causes for CP are infections during pregnancy such as, rubella (a form of measles), and Cytomegalovirus (a herpes virus that causes cellular enlargement) causing damage to the developing nervous system. Also an untreated case of jaundice (yellowish pigment of the skin, tissues, and body fluids caused by the presence of excess bile), other situations leading to jaundice and the jeopardy of your child are, Rhincompatibility, along with kidney or urinary tract infections. You also have the possibility of negligence on the mothers' part if the cause can be linked to toxicity (the use of drugs or alcohol during pregnancy). We also have the possibility of CP occurrence due to the mother suffering a stroke, or the fetus not receiving enough oxygen at the time of birth (which is a major reason for lamaze breathing techniques during birth). (cpf) Types ----- CP has three categories of affliction, Ataxic CP occurs when the muscles are too weak. Children will be shaky, unsteady and have poor bal... ... middle of paper ... ...age of 18 months, he enrolled in Delray School run by United Cerebral Palsy of Central Maryland. It was here that he began his education and therapies. When he turned 6, he enrolled at Ridge; a level five special education school. At age 16 Dan began attending Parkville high where he was completely main- streamed by his sophomore year. Dan graduated from Parkville in 1993 and went to Towson University the following fall. He graduated in May of 1998 with a B.S. in Mass Communications. He returned to Towson in the fall of 2000 for a second B.S. in Art. Through school Dan participated in many Art Department shows. In addition, his work was shown all across Maryland sponsored by Very Special Arts. In 1993 he was a featured artist in a show at the University of Boston, and he had his first solo show in May 2000. (Keplinger)

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