CCIB Intake received referral #0277-5021-7355-6088130 dated 2/18/16 from reporting party Ignacio Gonzalez Lead Residential Counselor. It was reported that residents Terri'Aunna Unique Reliford DOB: 9/1/00 and Endia Keairra Wilson DOB: 9/6/01 went AWOL (date not provided). Resident Endia returned to the facility on 2/17/16 and stated that Terri'Aunna was with and 18 year old male named Roy Smaer IV. Endia reported that Roy is a "meth head" and lives in Long Beach. According to the reporting party Endia stated the last time she saw Terri'Aunna (date unknown) she appeared tired, had bags under her eyes, looked high and not bathed. Endia stated that she and Terri'Aunna were with other men named DJ, Carlos, Jamar, Keonte, and Michael (all last names
During this time the DJS student Raquazia Donyia-Shoalyne Gross was being assessed by the Nurse Carol ; another staff Telethia Menefee (Care Specialist) and April Smith (Residential Unit Supervisor) and Ephraim Okech (Residential Counselor ) was able to calm DJS student Raquazia Donyia-Shoalyne Gross down and the letting go process began. DJS student Raquazia Donyia-Shoalyne Gross was able to spit the screw she was holding in her mouth into a cup when the student was totally back to baseline she agreed to walk out of her room and sat in Gwendolyn Simmons Residential Unit office.
He has had four arrests. His most recent arrest was for possession of drugs. Furthermore, he is a truant, does not follow household rules, may be abusing drugs, and steals. I recommended that Justin be referred to a residential treatment center (RTC), since adoptive mother cannot manage him. His adoptive mother asked me if an RTC would really help Justin in improving his behavior. Thus, my first COPES question, an effectiveness question, reads as follows:
of what I would experience as a client, unsure of how I would react or what I would disclose
Chemical dependency counseling involves direct interactions with the clients and as such standards need to be set which will promote safe and accountable counseling. Chemical dependency counseling has a set code of ethics, guidelines and regulations that seek to safeguard the interests of everybody involved. Laws and ethics ensure that everyone acts in a way that does not cause harm to others. Laws and ethics also help to give the profession its credibility. The Licensed Professional Counselors Association of Georgia (2014) gives provisions on the conduct of counselors as stipulated by the law. Chapter 135-7-01 provides the various responsibilities of counselors to their clients. Every counselor has a responsibility to their clients. It is their primary duty to promote the welfare of their clients and meet the client’s best interests.
Reporting Party (RP) stated that resident Richard Soto (age 63, DOB: 08/29/53) was admitted to St. Mary's Medical Center for overdsing on lithium and was discharged on 1/1/17. It was reported that 12 hours later, the resident was admitted agin to the hospital for overdosing on pain medication. RP is concerned that resident's medication is not being monitored. RP stated that the resident's medication should be locked and inaccessable to the resident. Staff denied resident having any access to pain medications. RP stated that the resident was "lucky with these last two overdoses and there is concern that the client may not be lucky a third time."
George has Challenges of his own to overcome before he can become an effective counselor. Every flaw that his supervisors have stated is going to need to be addressed. But how might this effect his success as a counselor? This needs to be examined, we can do this by targeting these essential characteristics changes it will ensure that becoming a qualified therapist be carried out. Moreover, before George can be able to help others successfully, but he must attend to his own characteristic flaws first. In other words, he must overcome his characteristics such as (judgmental, narrow-minded, guarded/defensive, and
Jaclyn Baker and Nicholas Tupper left the property AMA @12:45pm. Jaclyn behavior has been negative since she walked into detox last night, she is constantly complaining and constantly issuing threats to leave AMA. Nicholas T was caught in the bathroom by staff with a syringe trying to insert it in his arm. The syringe was taken from the client was given to the nurse. Both client got verbally aggressive with staff ,causing a scene on the unit , refusing to follow directive and threating staff and other clients. It took staff 20 min to remove the clients off the unit to the lobby. The Delray police was called aid in quelling the angry couples. The clients receive all their belongings upon leaving.
I have wanted to be a counselor since my freshmen year of high school and in the counseling field there are many specialties that I can focus on. I am fairly certain that I want to specialize in helping people with substance abuse and their families. I have always focused my studies, interests, and work on things that will help me in this field and I have a lot of qualities that help to enhance me in my eventual career. There are difficulties when I get to practice also like what people perceive as correct counseling style, challenges with my gender and race, and finally creating my own counseling style and plans.
HS 43 Term Paper 4 Core functions of a Substance Abuse Counselor By Roslyn Smith Introduction This paper will discuss the following 4 Core Functions of a Counselor: Case Management, Client Education, Crisis Intervention, Referral and their primary purposes. Discussion Case Management According to IC & RC, Case Management is defined as, “activities intended to bring services, agencies, resources, or people together within a planned framework of action toward the achievement of established goals.
When I began doing my fieldwork hours at El Camino in the fall, I grew a deep appreciation for the welcoming environment the First Year Experience (FYE) office had. Through various counseling sessions I got to observe, I witnessed first-hand the importance the role of the community college counselor has on its students. Thought the group of students who entered were different than the previous class, the same issues and obstacles were being mentioned to the FYE counselors. However, the one obstacle that kept repeating itself was that of financial literacy. Internship Site
My project will take place at Harbor House, a homeless shelter for teens. The Supervised Transitional Living Program provides shelter for up to 18 months, for adolescents boys and girls ages 16-21. The purpose of my project is to address the injustice of lack of education on these social issues. Many homeless adolescents in the program have experienced discrimination based on these social issues. By educating the youth in the shelter on these social issues, it will prevent reoccurs of youth being singled out because their black, white, gay, mental ill, etc. Picking on someone because they’re different is bullying, which is a social injustice. Therefore, it’s important to education the youth and to spread awareness about these social issues
The title of this article is “Rehabilitation Counselor Education Accreditation (RCEA).” The article provides insight into the history of the RCEA, starting with its origin. Furthermore, it showed the growth and development of rehabilitation counseling accreditation. Before the initial stages of the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE), there was a meeting that took place in 1969 in reference to broadening and developing accreditation standards for rehabilitation counselors. The article reveals how CORE received its official start in 1972 as an accrediting body.
Do you remember the dreaded first day of starting a new thing, the first day of school or summer camp? The impending fear of what the situation will be like or whether or not it will be something you enjoy. Being a day counselor I learned a multitude things, including the type of fear seeded from a new circumstance. It seemed to be an everyday occurrence, the ear piercing wales escaping the mouth of the heavily sunscreened toddlers. Despite being a reasonable fear, leaving their families to spend the day with strange people they have never met, the tear soaked faces seem unnecessary after the fourth previously successful day. But you suck it up anyways and rub their backs while your eardrums continuously explode, and, after they cant possibly
A counselor is defined as a person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems. Professional counselors help to identify goals and potential solutions to problems which cause emotional or social interruptions. Counseling also improves communication, strengthens self-esteem, and promotes behavior change in relations to mental health. Counseling enables us to appreciate how we are in healthy relationships and safe environments due to some of the bad things others experience. Counseling helps clients understand and clarify their views on life and learn to reach their goals through making wise choices. In most counseling situations, the client is experiencing personal issues such as low self-esteem,
Guidance counseling, also called school counseling, has evolved over the years into an important part of the education system. Counselors are now taking on new roles in schools as leaders so much so that the ways in which counseling is being implemented has become a much talked about topic in schools. The effectiveness of counseling in schools is looked at by the education system more frequently than it was in the past. Though all school counselors must follow a national model for counseling, the roles and functions of counselors at various levels in the school system are different, however, school counselors at all levels of education before college are generally effective despite implications.