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Traditional counseling theories
Importance of counseling approaches
Importance of counseling approaches
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Recommended: Traditional counseling theories
Presenting problem: Client walked into therapy without a defined presenting problem. As our session progressed, she realized that she has been dealing with some stress in various aspects of her life that include school, fitness and diet, and interpersonal relationships. The client has agreed that she could benefit from learning new ways to cope with the stress produced when things have a different outcome than the one she expected.
Techniques: Very humanistic/ Rogerian with some CBT integrated. I encouraged the client to take initiative in every session.
Goals for therapy: Client will learn ways to manage her stress caused by situations in which, she does not have control over and with getting things done by the certain time frame she sets
The case study on Kevin Miller is very challenging. Kevin Miller is White 5th grade student, and his parent are very supportive. Kevin has a problem with attention span; consequently, he I has been identified as a candidate for Greentree Elementary School Gifted and Talented Program. I will attempt to describe the issues related to Kevin’s moral judgement and self-concept; furthermore, I will make recommendations on his part.
Formulation of Problem/Needs: The client 's presenting problems are caused by her mother’s emotional verbal abuse. In spite of all, her emotional problems Ana maintains a positive outlook towards her future. Ana demonstrates self-determination as she clearly expresses her current issues. She struggles with overeating because she feels unloved and worthless. Ana is seeking services to overcome the resentment she feels towards her mother. She is requesting help to manage her coping skills and reduce her feelings of depression. According to Ana these feelings started at a young age. Ana’s current challenges are learning to cope with her mother’s verbal abuse. Anna will arrange monthly meetings with her social worker to talk about what methods she’s used to coping with her depression. Ana agrees that she needs to find positive away to communicate with her mother. Ana also stays that she wants to learn to be selfish and break free from the traditional stereotypical life of East LA. Ana would like to begin addressing the following
The clients goals are to be reunited with her children, maintain housing, and to attend parenting to strengthen her skills and the bond with her children. Client is doing well: abstaining from drinking and complying with and attending program, no longer with abusive boyfriend, willing to work hard. Key players agree on goals for the most part. Goals represent a change on the micro level. Identified objectives are to develop her parenting skills and strengthen the bond with her children, maintain sobriety, and to develop healthier coping skills, develop positive self-esteem.
... By scheduling an activity that the client can participate in and complete, it can give them a sense of mastery in a specific task. This can be beneficial for the client to feel accomplished. Another technique that I feel can be beneficial in therapy is role-playing. Role-playing can be helpful for a client to learn how to dispute irrational beliefs by becoming aware of negative feelings towards theses beliefs (Tan, 2011). In addition, role-playing can help the client to overcome their emotions and practice coping skills that are more effective. The last technique I would incorporate into therapy would be relaxation training. I would suggest ways that can help the client relax including, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, a massage or exercising. By getting the client to have methods to relax, I think it can help with managing their thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
The client is a 20-year college student, who has experienced many hard times through her life, especially with her family. Before beginning
Assessment methods: the interviews show that there is not much assessment in PCT; the client just begins where they want to begin. Both clients in both cases told the therapist what the general problem was, instead of the therapist telling the
We see a diverse group of clients, whom we refer to as patients, however, a majority of our patients suffer from a severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Commonly, our patients are treated with medical and psychotherapeutic modalities. Most of our on staff therapists and social workers use cognitive behavioral techniques during therapy, but I have been using an integrative approach with solution-focused brief therapy techniques in the mix. I like to use solution-focused brief therapy for various reasons. Essentially, our patients are with us for only a short period of time. For example, most of our patients are discharged within three days of their admission, with the exception of the court-committed patients who are waiting on a bed at the Mississippi State Hospital. It only makes sense to use an approach that focuses on making small changes in a short amount of time. In addition to this, we also deal with patient’s family members. Often times, family members are not educated on the illness and create more problems. I think it is important for patients along with their family members to create small changes and make
therapy approaches help clients develop coping skills that will enable them to anticipate and manage
Then start to develop goals by finding out what they think is helping and what is not and are they willing to invest the time and effort by using the scaling exercise. The social worker with asks strengths-reinforcing coping questions how, what, and has. The Client is encouraged to define their goals from the start where the social worker may present and alternate perspective are to ask the miracle question. Answers to this question can provide indicators of change to be used. “All task are interventions are intended to encourage the client to think and behave differently with regard to the presenting problem than has been typical in the past (Walsh, 2013).” The formal first-session is the assignment of observing the good the client would like to continue in their life and maybe get the client thinking about exceptions. Second the surprise task surprising another person connected with the problem in a good way “shake up” in the clients’ routine and influence positive behavior. The ending is worked on from the start of intervention, where progress is monitored at each session that might be the last. Where the focus is on helping clients identify strategies to maintain and continue the momentum of enacting solutions.
Understanding the counseling session from the client’s perspective is a very important aspect in the development of a therapeutic relationship. A clinician must be an excellent listener, while being to pay attention to the client’s body language, affect and tone. The dynamics in the counseling session that is beneficial to the client include the recognition of the pain that the client is feeling. The detrimental part of this includes a misunderstanding of the real issues, a lack of consideration of the cultural aspects of the client, and a lack of clinical experience or listening skills. In this presentation, we will discuss the positive and negative aspects of the counseling session from the client’s perspective which includes the client’s attitudes, feelings, and emotions of the counseling session. We will next examine the propensity of the client to reveal or not reveal information to the counselor, and how transference, and counter-transference can have an effect on the counselor-client relationship.
The latter will include peer feedback, instructor feedback, and self-criticism. This paper will conclude with a brief discussion of the future direction of therapy were I to remain a therapist. Presenting Problem Both Michelle and Katy came to therapy with complaints of an increasing frequency of arguments. These arguments began almost a year ago and, as time passed, have become more emotionally intense. Michelle reported that during these arguments, she often cries.
First method has been my body language as I this week I remained calm when helping a client. Symptoms client presented were defiant symptoms and struggle follow directions,therefore, need thus, . Second, my tone of voice in the sessions has been passive, even when a client has become aggravated. By remaining calm . it has helped I become more aware of the importance of how we incorporate methods used with clients. For example, effective communication can help tremendously a client to communicate openly. Furthermore, attending behaviors that I need to enhance is beginning to increase demons. ing skills through active
I think the major technique is focusing on the person and not the problem which would help the client to achieve independence and allow the client to cope with current and future problem they may face. Another major technique is the client determines the course of directions of therapy. Another technique is the person-centered therapy which is a non-directive which allows the client to be the focus of the therapy session without the therapy giving advice.
There are many different perspectives and approaches reviewed by the practitioner to determine a suitable approach towards intervention. When determining the best fit for the client`s needs, the practitioner assesses the client in regards to the environment the client lives in or is associated with, family dynamics, and many others. The practitioner also relies on their own values and beliefs to help guide them with this decision (Micheson, 2011).
I found the video about Solution Focused Brief Therapy interesting. As a provider I see the necessary value in having an individual engage in active participation. The helper was nothing more than a sounding board to understand and interpret the information and relay it back to the individual seeking the help. The first step was asking those evaluative questions. According