Causes Of Fate In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is the story of two star-crossed lovers who are placed in the difficult position of choosing their true love or their relevant families. The play is considered one of the greatest love stories of all time, complicated by fate, youthful inexperience, but mainly adult interference. Romeo and Juliet were on an already determined course of action that they were meant to follow. Romeo and Juliet were impetuous when it came to their actions. The adults in Romeo and Juliet’s life had some control over what the lovers were allowed to do, and played an influential factor in their lives, which led to their demise. Fate defines itself as that if you are on its path, you could not change what the outcome was going to be. In Act …show more content…

It is because of Romeo and Juliet’s age, that they were making decisions with their emotions rather than with their intelligence. In Act I, Romeo shows his youth and inexperience by the way he handles the news that Rosaline does not love him back, because exaggerates his emotions and weeps over his loss like when he says, “Why, such is love’s transgression. Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast, which thou wilt propagate, to have it pressed with more of thine” (I.i.179-182). All of these behaviors show his adolescence because it reveals his need to control the situation and want things his way. In Act II, at the balcony, their youth and inexperience is shown by their decision to marry each other after only knowing each other for a few hours. “If that thy bent of love be honorable, thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow” (II.ii.143-144). They have no clue about each other, about how their families will react, or how they will have to suffer from their actions. All they are thinking about is themselves which is selfish and could be fatal.
Finally, in Act V, “Beauty’s ensign yet is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, and death’s pale flag is not advanced there” (V.iii.94-96). Romeo’s inexperience is seen when he doesn’t understand that Juliet’s lips are still warm because she was only in a deep sleep due to …show more content…

The opinionated adults created distress within Romeo and Juliet, who had a limited list of choices to choose for their own happiness. Of course, there were adults, such as Friar Lawrence, who had helped Romeo and Juliet in their plans. What these adults did not know was that they were helping them to their deaths. Youthful inexperience played a part because if Romeo and Juliet had gone about their plans differently, then maybe they could’ve had a happy ending. Lastly, fate provided the path and foreshadowed the death of Romeo and Juliet, the ill-fated

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