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Reasons why students cheat in exams
Cheating academic dishonesty
Cheating academic dishonesty
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Cheating is a break of a rule or a law by acting dishonestly and unfairly to gain an advantage. It occurs in various forms, physical, emotional, and many more. Therefore, cheating in the educational field between students is the most common form at any level of education. in school, college, and even university students.
There are many shapes and forms of cheating, generally, it is when you use another person's work and pass it off as yours. For example, it is cheating when a student copies answers from another student's test paper or a classmate's homework, whether they copy it, summarize it, or rephrase it, it does not alter the fact that they cheated. No matter how it is done the rules are the same. Experts agree that students who cheat are wasting their time in school since most learning builds on itself, and when they win a job because of their grade on a subject that is supposed to show their
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abilities that in fact does not exist in reality. However, knowing that, some students continue on cheating mainly because of campus ethos, lack of effort, external pressure. Firstly, and the most effective cause is the campus ethos that doesn't give an affective punishment to those who are cheating, which leads students to think that it is ok to cheat since everyone does it and get away with it, so they can do it as well Instead of spending hours studying, solving, working for a subject. Manal was one of my high school classmates she never did her homework at home she thinks it is a waste of time when she can come to school and simply copy it from another friend, she used to tell me "no one will notice and even if they did they will not do anything about it". Surprisingly she wasn't the only one, I used to go to an after school academy and I have met people like her as well I saw them quietly exchanging pieces of paper during the test period their excuse was "everyone does it so it is ok" that shows how effective it is when there is a law but everyone breaks it and not get punished for it. Secondly, and the prevalent cause is some students lack of effort and work for the subject.
some categorize them as the lazy students, they never show up to class do not know about any home works or projects, and they do not study as well, which is obvious because they do not know or understand the material included in the test so cheating is a way for them to get free grades without any effort. Just like my brother Abdulaziz he is what everyone calls a lazy student he rarely goes to school and asks his friends to do his homework and when it is test time he sits next to the smart kid and simply copies his answers. Moreover, I have watched a documentary about those kind of students and noticed that they are everywhere and that it is not an abnormal thing. What blew my mind was a case they showed of a group of four girls in highschool that divides the work between themselves. for example, if there is a test coming in 4 chapter each one of them will study one chapter and they will sit next to each other to copy answers for each chapter. Smart but still counts as
Situations of cheating have seemed to become more and more commonplace when the student is bored by the subject material, poor teaching and or feels they have no use for the knowledge. Kohn even states in his article, “cheating is more common when students experience the academic tasks they’ve been given as boring, irrelevant, or overwhelming.” This infers that if a student were attending a school interested in learning about art, the student maybe more inclined to cheat in a business accounting class due to the fact the student would find the subject material irrelevant to them and their future. Students seem to be less inclined to cheat and it “is relatively rare in classrooms where the learning is genuinely engaging and meaningful to students and where a commitment to exploring significant ideas hasn’t been eclipsed by a single-minded emphasis on “rigor”” (Kohn). To simplify everything mentioned above; students are inclined to cheat in school when they are disinterested in the subject material and or are overwhelmed by in assignment or finally the result in a poor teacher. Everyone who has attended school can relate to this in some way or another, most people do not want to retain knowledge they have no interest in or use for in their
From plagiarism to dishonesty, many high school teenagers cheat just to get a good grade in a class or they simply are bad at that particular subject. They cheat on tests, quizzes, and even on big projects. No matter the circumstance, if you are ever to be caught, you should be served with the toughest of consequences. You should not be trusted. You should have any second chances. After all, even if you don’t get caught for cheating, you are not learning anything the class has to offer.
Freakonomics explores multiple circumstances and the difference between correlation and causation. A standout question that the authors delve into asks, “What Do Schoolteachers and Sumo Wrestlers Have in Common?” (15). The authors begin with the Chicago Public School system and standardized testing. The CPS (Chicago Public School system) placed elementary and secondary schools with low test scores on probation, who then “face[ed] the threat of being shut down” (22). As one can realize, some teachers would do everything in their power to avoid low test scores, even cheating. Fortunately for teachers, “teacher cheating is rarely looked for, hardly ever detected, and just about never punished” (23). Teachers in the CPS who received low test
Cheating is a big issue that has reached the most competitive campuses around the United States. It is increasing more and more with the new technology that we have in the 21st century because students have easy access to many sources of information. Cheating is something all students have done at some point in their lives, but as they reach a higher academic level, they are faced with more rigorous consequences that can affect their futures in many different ways. Cheating might be seen as an easy way to obtain a good grade, get into a good college, or maintain scholarships or financial aid, but the consequences could affect the life and the future of the student.
Cheating is defined as to "deceive by trickery" or "to act dishonestly, practicing fraud." (Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 1993). A recent survey has shown an overwhelming majority of students have cheated. They, however, have justified their actions and do not believe that is a “big deal” (Cheating is a Personal Foul, 1999).
School systems today are so lenient in their rules, guidelines and consequences; thus causing cheating, copying or forgeries to be frequently used. Many students take advantage of copying someone else's work whenever they are given the chance. Other times, students will simply have someone else do their work and turn it in as their own, not realizing the effects this behavior can create. This creates a lack of creativity, no sense of responsibility and the students will never acquire new knowledge. These practices of cheating, copying and forgery by students are unethical and should be brought to the surface whenever possible.
Cheating in every situation is wrong due to the fact that if we get caught we get in trouble. It isn’t exactly the moral or ethical fact to me personally, it’s more of the issue that if I get caught I get in trouble and end up feeling degraded, although I should have felt that from the start. For some students it doesn’t even faze them. I’m not saying that everyone one who cheats are an awful person, because that would mean just about every student at your average school would be, including me.
Ed Dante got a hands-on experience of how different college students handle their homework. He’s a paid writer to complete assignments, essays, any varies papers. Through this cheating process, he observed what selection of kids came to him. “From my experience, three demographic groups seek out my services: the English-as-second-language students; the hopelessly deficient student; and the lazy rich kid (Dante 194).”
Everyone has cheated on something at some point in their life, whether it is in a game, on a test, or in a relationship, everyone has done it. Cheating is anything that involves breaking a rule, or getting an unfair advantage. Schools are one of the most popular places people cheat. Many people down play cheating and use excuses like, “He shouldn’t have let me see his paper,” or, “I am just using my resources wisely.” But, what causes people to cheat? Students cheat in school because of laziness, high standards or pressure to do well, and misunderstanding.
From a young age we are taught the differences between right and wrong, but as we get older the line between moral and immoral is often blurred. Things that were once thought of as unacceptable are now perfectly fine in our minds. Have you ever seen anyone cheat on an assignment or exam? Do you know anyone that’s been expelled from school for cheating? What if it was discovered that a U.S. senator plagiarized his college thesis paper? Imagine if it got out that one of the most respected universities in the U.S. was involved in a huge fraud scandal that involved thousands of students. Academic cheating is a terrible offense because it is unethical, self-degrading, and can be detrimental to the learning environment.
The basic idea of cheating immediately brings you back to being a kid when you are told cheating is wrong. Weather your cheating to win a game or pass a test it has consequences. However the consequences of cheating may not always be clear or immediate. For many cheating of any form is seen as wrong. However cheating always seems to be a topic up for debate. For some cheating is accepted as natural. One defense we often hear is “everyone else is doing it”. While others claim regardless of the reason behind it, cheating is always wrong.
Cheating has always been a problem in school and Marie Pearlman tells us about cheating in a quote from “Cheating in School Reflects Basic Confusion in Society”. Cheating has been increasing a whole decade and it will be another decade of cheating when 2019 begins. Cheating can be found anywhere, but it is mostly found in schools where many students influence each other to cheat or students find their influence somewhere besides school.
Cheating is wrong. Students have learned this from the time we started testing. We grew up with folders stood surrounding our tests to minimize the opportunity for cheating. I once had a friend in fourth grade who sat next to a boy named Matthew who always cheated off her tests. One time she filled in all wrong answers on her bubble sheet and after he had copied her work and turned his test in, changed all the answers back to the ones she had actually solved for.
Over the years, cheating on tests and exams have become more common. And by definition, cheating is to gain an advantage over a situation by unfavorable or dishonorable methods. As shown in a study from Josephson Institute Center for Youth Ethics, 59% of high school students admitted cheating on a test during the last year. 34% self-reported doing it more than two times (“Plagiarism: Facts & Stats”). In other words, the school board could be more focused on producing academically, high grades achievers over the honest achievers. Although, various schools will punish the students the moment they're caught cheating, especially on an important exam. The concept of cheating has been universally viewed as a shameful action by the public. However,
The major reason which leads to popularity of cheating is that students always desire to have good marks. Today’s academic system is generally based on grade point average or some other alphabetical or numerical representation of academic skill. If students notice that many classmates have high marks, they also want the fame of having good grades. Therefore, this pressure unintentionally causes students to value their goods marks much more than their knowledge. Eventually, students do anything to achieve good marks, even cheating in exams.