Catfish Research Paper

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Catfish Fridays - Calypso’s Buffet Nothing is better than Southern cooking. From mouthwatering biscuits to fried meats, the food from the south has comforted Americans all around the world. And as every foodie knows, the cornerstone of any southern dish is a great catfish. We, here at Isle of Capri Lula, love our deep fried catfish. So much so that we’ve got a special devoted to it the month of December. More on that later. But first, read on to learn more about how to cook your own delicious catfish from home. Catfish Tips Everyone has their own unique way of how they cook their catfish. We did our own research and came up with some useful tips that will help you create an unforgettable catfish that your friends and family will be talking about for years to come. • …show more content…

We prefer 4-6-ounce, thin-cut, farm-raised fillets. No only do they fit into the skillet nicely, but they also curl up, creating a great eye appeal. • If Using Frozen: Sometimes you might not have access to fresh fish. If this is the case, make sure you thaw them in a refrigerator, in a colander filled pan overnight. Put them in the coolest part of your refrigerator. And definitely make sure you use them within two days, or the fish will go bad. • Use Cornmeal: Cornmeal will take your catfish from good to great! It adds just the right about of crunchy texture, without leaving a greasy taste. • Don’t Overcrowd Your Skillet: For best results, fry in batches of two at a time. If you put too many fish in at once, you could risk your fish not cooking evenly. You want each little cutlet to get the time and attention it deserves. • Select the Right Oil: The right oil can make or break your catfish. Go for an oil with a high smoke point, like peanut oil, for best results. • Use a Deep Cast Iron Skillet: Cast iron skillets or Dutch ovens prevent the oil from popping out. And if you’ve ever been popped, you know it can hurt.

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